Chapter 30: The Secret Revealed

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"Mom, when will I be me again?", IronStar asked.

"I don't know, sweetie. I don't know.", I answered with a frown.

"Mom? Since when did you become a carrier?", I gasped and turned to see Optimus.

"I - I..... Uh.....", my eyes were wide as I tried to speak, "I gotta go. See ya director!"

"You are not going anywhere until you explain this to me.", Optimus said, I nodded my head in submission.

"Her name is IronStar. She's my daughter. Her sire is....", I looked over at the doorway, "Ironhide."

"Your current spark mate.", Optimus said, I nodded.

"Welcome to the family, IronStar.", Optimus smiled as I breathed a sigh of relief.

"IronStar?", my eyes went as wide as saucers and my body went as stiff as a tree, "Who's that?"

Optimus looked over at me as he spoke through our bond.

'He doesn't know?' Optimus asked,

'No. He was drunk when we interfaced he first time.' I answered.

'What do you mean?'

'Optimus, I am sparked again. Remember?'

Optimus looked down and smirked.

'Good luck telling Ironhide.'

He turned and started walking off.

"W- You're not gonna help?!", I asked with disbelief.

"It's all on you, little sister.", Optimus said, my jaw dropped and I huffed when he left.

"I'm not little!", I called out, earning a chuckle from him.

"So, what's all this about?", Ironhide asked.

"Uh, Ironhide meet IronStar our sparkling. BYE!", I tried to escape but failed.

"Did you say that she's my daughter?", Ironhide asked, I nodded.

His optics started glitching and he fainted.

"Come on, Iron!", I picked her up and placed her on my shoulder "Hold on! He's not gonna be happy when he wakes up!"

I ran out of the room with Ironhide chasing me. IronStar and I started laughing as he chased us. I set IronStar down on the ground.

"Run, Iron!", I yelled, catching the attention of the other Autobots.

To them, it was just Mearing laughing and running from Ironhide. To me, it was a dream come true. Ironhide and his sparkling finally met. I heard someone transform and then IronStar squealed in surprise.

I turned around to see Optimus' holoform tickling IronStar. The other Autobots were incredibly confused.

"Mom!", IronStar yelled while laughing her head off, "Help me!"

I start heading towards her, but I landed on the floor with Ironhide on top of me. I huff. I smirk and use my teleportation ability as well as a new ability I recently discovered, I could blend in with my surroundings.

Ironhide got up and looked around for me while I walk over to IronStar. I managed to pull Optimus off and when IronStar realized she was free, she ran. I turned off my cloaking ability and Optimus looked up.

I let Optimus go and he transformed again. I heard heavy footsteps and laughter. I looked up and IronStar was being chased by Ironhide.

"Mom, help me! Dad's gonna catch me!", IronStar laughed.

I picked her up and Ironhide tried to slow down so he wouldn't run into me. I stepped aside and instead of running into me, he ran into the wall. He left a big dent. 

"StormBlazer, do you have something you want to share?", all the bots looked at IronStar with curiosity.

"Oh, right. This is IronStar. Ironhide and I's oldest.", IronStar hugged Ironhide's pointer digit.

She started glowing and I gasped. Unsure of what to do, I set her down. I stepped back reluctantly. When the light disappeared, I seen a red and black femme. Ironhide stood still, unsure of who his girl was.

I, on the other servo, ran towards her and hugged her the best I could.

"Uh, everyone's staring.", IronStar whispered.

"I don't care. Your my daughter and I love you, IronStar.", I said and let go.

She walked over to Ironhide and he hugged her. I left the room to go get some rest. The sparkling is very tiring. 

I was halfway there and heard, "PARTY!"

I shook my head, knowing it was IronStar.

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