Gone- Chapter 8 Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Ary," I said quietly, but tears still fell from my eyes.

"Haz, don't cry."

"How can I not cry? You're gone! I told you I'd be broken if you left."

She giggled and said, "Haz, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to open your eyes."

"What?" I said in confusion.

"Open your eyes, Haz," Ariel said, and she faded away. I felt someone shaking my shoulder, but I shook them off. What did she mean?

"Harry, wake up," Louis’s voice said from far away. I closed my eyes, and did as I was told.


I opened my eyes, and I gasped. I was back in Ariel's hospital room. I immediately sat up, and my eyes immediately searched for Ariel. There she was. She was on the hospital bed looking lifeless, but her heart was still beating. It was just a dream... I quickly turned to my right, and I spotted Lou there. He was holding a tea in one of his hands while he looked at me sleepily. "You ok, mate? You were crying in your sleep," Lou said as he stifled back a yawn.

"Now I am. I dreamt that Ariel died. It felt so real Lou. The pain was unimaginable! I can't live without her," I said quietly.

"Harry, you heard Doctor Hopper last week. He said that Ariel should die any day now. From what I heard, today may even be her last day. You need to start letting go."

"Lou, that's the issue. I can't let go. I know everyone says I can and I need to, but I just can't. She's my world. She holds the key to my happiness. I can't move on."

"Harry, we'll talk about this later. I came to wake you because we need to go to an interview. That's the main reason why we're back here to London. She'll be here when we come back. I'm sure of it. Come on, let's go," Lou said offering me a small smile. I reluctantly got up from the chair and stretched. Dani, El, and Mary gave me small waves as Lou and I exited her room.

"Hold up! I forgot something," I said as I ran back in. I ran up to Ariel and stroked her right cheek. It felt warm to the touch. It was different from last night. Last night it felt cold, and now it's warm. I hope that's a good sign. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I told her quietly, "I'll be back soon, Ary. Please don't go anywhere."

I heard the girls coo, but I quickly left the room, and I found the lads talking to one another. One thing that was different from the lads in my dream to my real life best friends was their eye colors. In my dream, Liam had Louis's eye color, Zayn had Niall's, Louis had Zayn's, and Niall had Liam's. I don't know why I didn't notice it first. Now that I look back, it was an obvious sign it was a dream. Not to mention the fact that she would never give up that easily. She would never go down without a fight. I approached the lads, and they all quieted down. "Let's go. The faster we get this over with, the faster we can return," Liam said flashing me a small smile.

We walked into the elevator, and a thought popped into my mind. "What about Scar? Isn't she coming with us?" I asked while turning towards the lads.

I mean they should know because I'm the only one that ended up staying last night. I was being stubborn with them when they were forcing me to leave, so Dani and I made a deal. She got to sleep in her flat last night while I stayed in the hospital."No she's not needed for the interview. Management said she should catch up with her sleep," Zayn said answering my question.

I merely nodded and remained silent. I still can't get that dream out of my head. Is it some sort of sign? Or am I just overly worried? Either explanation is plausible, that's what scares me. I hope she isn't dying. I know no one else noticed it, but I felt improvement in her today. Well one thing’s for sure, today I'll be finding out if she lives or dies.

Retrieving My Princess- Book 2 (Sequel to HSLP)Where stories live. Discover now