The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (7)

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"You risked getting caught to pick him up from the station?" Julian asked, looking at me as though I was stupid. "You should've left that sucker there."

"Jules, I have to befriend him if I want my plan to work." I explained for what felt like the tenth time in the past hour.

Julian frowned, playing with his eyebrow, something he always did when he was thinking. "Are you going to let me further in on this plan yet?"

I shook my head and he groaned, muttering something about how annoying I was, when my phone rang.

"Hola." I answered.

"I only speak English baby doll." I rolled my eyes, an unwanted smile lurking on my face.

"I got into a lot of trouble for you, Ledger." I spoke, Julian watched me intensely, straining to hear what Grayson was saying.

"I'm worth it."

"I beg to differ." I muttered. "What do you want?"

"I'm picking you up at eight. be ready." I shrugged, it would work, my parents were at an old friends house for a while tonight.

"And why would I want to see you again hmm?" Smirking as I held the phone to my ear, I chanced a look at Julian, who swung in my chair, rolling his eyes and mimicking me.

"I guess you're just drawn to me Ainsworth. Catch you later." He hung up and I grinned as I turned back to Julian.

He arched his brow at me in disbelief.

"What?" I asked, defensively.

"Dude, you're such a girl."

"No shit."


"Yes, yes! you look fine!" Julian groaned after I asked him again. Grayson's car pulled up out front and he honked his horn twice.

I opened the door, hugging Julian, who headed home as I got into Grayson's car.

"He always comes to your house?" He asked, eyeing up Julian.

I nodded. "Almost Everyday."

Grayson made a face of distaste and scoffed as he took off down the street. Soon enough, we were pulling up at the side of a house I didn't recognise, but I followed anyway.

Grayson led us into the back garden of the house where my eyes landed on familiar faces. All around an unlit fire sat Max, Alex, Kyle and Jace.

"Damn Gray, your girl's not half bad." Kyle winked, licking his lower lip provocatively as we walked over and took seats in the circle.

Somehow when Kyle said it, it didn't come across as snobby, but caused my heart to skip a beat.

Grayson slapped him over the back of the head. "Not my girl!"

"Wait. You're the girl my boy got expelled right?" Alex asked, holding a bottle from the neck, swishing the remnants in a circular motion.

I nodded, shooting a glare at Grayson who laughed guiltily.

"So why are you here with him?" Alex questioned, his tone was blunt.

"Complicated." Grayson and I both said together, I guessed neither of us felt like telling them he was threatening to get my best friend expelled too.

It was then that I wondered how much his friends knew. They were a tightly knit group, that was obvious, but Grayson had proven he had many more layers to him that he'd ever previously let on.

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