I Am Responsible

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Akpos woos a Girl;

Akpos tried to woo a girl on the street:

Akpos: what is your name?

Girl: Abike

Akpos: I like you; I want to be your boyfriend.

Girl: No I don’t like you, you not responsible.

Akpos: Ask those pregnant girls around here, they say I’m responsible.

Akpors and Mum

Akpors: I’m Hungary,

Mum: Why don’t you Czech the fridge.

Akpors: OK I’m Russian to the kitchen.

Mum: Hmmm.. may be you’ll find some Turkey.

Akpors: Yeah but its all covered in Greece. Yuck!

Mum: There is Norway you can eat that.

Akpors: I know, I guess I'll just have a can of Chile

Mum: Denmark your name on the can.

Akpors: Kenya do it for me?

Mum: OK, I’m Ghana do it.

Akpors: Thanks, i’m so tired Iran for an hour today

Mum: It Tokyo long enough.

Akpors: Yeah Israeli hard sometimes.

Funny Random Things That Only Nigerians Will Understand(ProjectNigeriaUC2017)Where stories live. Discover now