Things Only Nigerians Will Think Are Funny

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Nigerians are cultured people and our knowledge is richly reflected in everything including humour. We are renowned for great sense of humour because we are not afraid to make fun out of everything. We define things beyond imagination and this evokes laughter any day.  

1. Foreign Accent:

English language is not an issue to any Nigerian but the moment you start speaking like a white man, you are in for a show

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English language is not an issue to any Nigerian but the moment you start speaking like a white man, you are in for a show. This is because you would be laughed to scorn; it doesn't matter if you have spent your whole life in America. Once you're home, oh boi, you don land o.

2. Foreigners Eating Nigerian Delicacies:

Nigerians do not believe that a foreigner would eat their local meals especially eba, fufu and other types of swallow, whenever they see a foreigner engrossed in such a meal, they cannot help it but laugh and sometime, they may even take a picture...

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Nigerians do not believe that a foreigner would eat their local meals especially eba, fufu and other types of swallow, whenever they see a foreigner engrossed in such a meal, they cannot help it but laugh and sometime, they may even take a picture of these persons to show to friends.  

3. Nollywood Stunts:

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4. Arriving early for a party: Coming late for parties is no longer something that Nigerians see as a problem, but when you are the first to come for a party or event, they think that you are coming for the meals and a lot of people may think that it is very funny to beat time for that event. So its first come, first served.

5. Eating swallows with cutlery set: Ahh...You don't try this in a local food center. You would be laughed at because it is very strange and funny to a lot of people. They believed that Nigerian foods (swallows) are meant to be eaten with your hands and not to eat it with knife and fork. Fufu is a local food and they believe it should be eaten the way locals eat it. So don't go and be forming ajebutter.

 So don't go and be forming ajebutter

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6. Ladies fighting over a man: If men are fighting over a lady, people would allow them to fight or sometimes, scold them but when it comes to ladies fighting over a man, it is a different ball game. You should not be surprised when you see cars parked to watch these ladies fight because they think it is funny. Things happen and it usually ends up in slapping, boxing in the mud, pulling hair and insults like, "Ashawo! Husband/Boyfriend snatcher" or one of my favs, "Big bottom, shaking by force".

 Things happen and it usually ends up in slapping, boxing in the mud, pulling hair and insults like, "Ashawo! Husband/Boyfriend snatcher" or one of my favs, "Big bottom, shaking by force"

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7. When Nigerians travel to an African country and come back with American accent:

 When Nigerians travel to an African country and come back with American accent:

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8. Nigerians who don't crush their bones:

Bones are not only meant for the dogs especially chicken bones and fish bones, a lot of Nigerians find it funny when you eat just the flesh and leave behind a chunk of meat with bones

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Bones are not only meant for the dogs especially chicken bones and fish bones, a lot of Nigerians find it funny when you eat just the flesh and leave behind a chunk of meat with bones. They simply believed that you should crush these bones.

9. Men who wear suit and tie and walk under very hot weather: The weather in Nigeria can be harsh during the dry season and it is very common to see a lot of Nigerians move around with suit and tie. It doesn't matter if you are the bank manager when you walk aimlessly on the street without a car, Nigerians would believe that something may be wrong with you.

10. People wearing sunglasses at night: It is not a welcomed fashion savvy for Nigerians. They may think that you are blind and if they discover that you are not handicapped, the next thing is laughter because they don't believe that you can see with such glasses.

11. A Nigerian who drives an expensive car and begs for money: Car is one way to measure the wealth of a man especially the SUVs. Nigerians would never believe that these people who ride these expensive cars can lack money and when they end up asking for money, it is always funny to them.

12. A poor man with pot-belly: The old belief that rich old men are those with pot bellies has not died in the modern world. It is difficult for a lot of people to believe that it is possible for a pot belly man to say that he is not having money.

Funny Random Things That Only Nigerians Will Understand(ProjectNigeriaUC2017)Where stories live. Discover now