Igbo Men

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Well as you know, Nigeria is a funny country with amazing people. After everything I said about Yoruba boys, I'm starting on Igbo boys, I'm still learning about them, but I've got a few male friends who are Igbo and that's not enough to say something good enough about them but if you're Igbo, don't feel as if I don't like you o. Just remember, I'm saving the best for last.

Anyway if you want to recognize an Igbo man in public, first check where their trousers begin, (and it always begins from their chest). Couldn't find a good pic to show you this but let your imaginations run wild. 

Secondly, you recognize them by their accents, ''Do not waste my time'' has evolved to ''North west ma time'', but they're awesome. 

Thirdly, they love education, an Igbo man can be President and encourage Nigerian parents to send their kids to ABU Zaria, Plateau State University etc and send their own kids to kindergarten in London. They are really very smart, sharp and intelligent. And they are the brains behind 9ja's business strategies.

Fourthly, they've got a name for EVERYTHING. If you want to buy a BMW Convertible from an Igbo man, just ask for a BMW Incomplete. The theory is that it doesn't have a roof, so it's not complete...but what can you do? If you want a car, just do as I say. They also brought about the real meaning of BMW and it's Be My Wife. If you didn't know before, you do now.

Finally, they love their money. If you ask an Igbo man to focus on something VERY important to him, his mind automatically catapults to his bank account. Their mind is like a calculator when it comes to money. Anytime I'm buying something from an Igbo person, I don't use a calculator. And be rest assured they pass Maths really well...if its addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

That's all I've got, but to all Igbos out there....Igbokwenu!

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