Chapter 38: Smack!

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Sakura pov

Dammit, dammit, dammit! I'm left all alone to protect my teammates! This wouldn't have happened if I had protected Sasuke and Naruto from that man...!

"Sasuke," I called gently. "Wake up soon. Please." I raised a wet, cold cloth over his burning forehead. He groaned unintentionally, and I bit back a gasp when he help into my hand.

"Sasuke?" I asked, hoping to get a response this time. No such luck. I gripped his hand just as hard and prayed. Dear Kami, please let me, Sasuke, and Naruto get out of this.

I was confident I could take on other ninja, but not when my other teammates are in danger too! It was too much of a hassle to fight and watch at the same time, especially if we're up against certain teams... I stilled. Just my luck. The Sound ninja were here.

Waiting, I carefully pulled out a kunai. I wouldn't attack unless they knew we were here.

"Well, well," The ninja mused. Aaaand speak of the devil. "It's the teammate of that one beat saying he could beat all of us! So much for that." He moved further inside the small shelter, but I stood my ground. I was now up and anticipating the enemy's next move.

As he moved to nudge Naruto with his foot, I quickly disarmed the boy and had him pinned to the ground. "I won't let you lay a finger on Naruto," I growled, nicking his neck with my kunai.

"Those threats won't be of much use if we're here." A new voice chipped in.

It was the other ninja, the kunoichi. I felt myself being dragged by my hair outside. "Why don't we have you watch your teammates get slaughtered first? Then, we'll kill you."

I struggled. How was I this weak? Hey kit, if you don't do something... They'll die. I know! I can't do anything! Even after training, I still can't be strong enough. I'm a failure.

Let me take over, I'll get rid of them easily. No! You'll probably kill the rest of Konoha too. Kit, I promise I will not kill anyone this time. Just this time.

H-how can I trust—

"Hey! Did you hear what I said? We're going to kill you and your teammates." The kunoichi pulled on my hair again, causing me to wince. "It's a shame, really. Instead of focusing on making your hair so pretty..." Her voice was sickly sweet. "You wouldn't be in this situation."

Kit, let me take over! No way! I can't trust you. Oi, if you die, I'll be stuck in this stupid body unless I'm extracted. There would be no point in harming you. What about my teammates? I won't kill 'em either... Fine, what do I do?

It felt as though I had slipped into a subconsciousness. It was like I was outside of my body, because I had a third person view. My physical body was slumped over, with my hair still in the clutches of the Sound-nin. Suddenly, 'I' whipped out a lunar and cut off my hair.

I heard a small gasp and turned towards it. Team InoShikaChou was watching in the far bushes.

I turned back to myself. My ugly pink hair was now scattered on the ground, and my eyes were a deep red colour. I had began to launch viciously and hacked with my knife. Blood stained the ground, and I heard a quiet groan. Sasuke!

He was starting to wake. Thank Kami! I heard a yelp of pain and winced internally as I watched myself get kicked. I was now pinned on the ground, getting kicked in the face, bruises forming. Zaku, I think it was, sneered and tainted me to get back up. Alright, this guy is going down. How do I get back to my own body?

Suddenly, he flew away after being kicked by my dark-haired teammate. His skin was covered with red marks, spreading everywhere like a disease. I was back in my body, and I groaned from the overwhelming wave of sensation that crashed on me. My face hurt especially. I flinched when I heard a gravelly voice. "Sakura, who did this to you?" I shook, terrified by Sasuke.

"S-Sasuke, what happened?" It must be the curse mark...

"I feel so much...stronger. Don't worry, I'll kill who did this to you."

I gasped. "Sasuke! Don't!"

"I'll only ask you once more, woman. Who did this to you?"

I trembled and shook my head, ignoring the pain. "Sasuke—" Smack. My jaw dropped in disbelief as I clutched my right cheek.


"N-Naruto..." He was angry now, because he rarely called Sasuke by his name. I scrambled up, wiping away the tears that finally decided to show.

"There, there, Sakura-chan," Naruto whispered assuringly as he rubbed my back. "I'll stop Teme."

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while... I'm going through a tough time rn, and I haven't been writing or publishing. I'll try to more frequently!

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