Chapter 33: No Purpose?

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Naruto pov

After I got Sasuke out of immediate danger, I set off to the ice mirrors to help Sakura. Then I noticed the red aura surrounding the area, it's physical form whipping and hitting everything. I cursed. Of all times Sakura had to act up! I looked frantically for Kakashi-sensei, but the most was still too thick. It's up to me, then. I looked down at Sasuke. "Teme, I swear if you die--" My voice cracked and I looked away towards Sakura again. She had broken the ice mirrors, and was getting ready to finish off the guy. My eyes widened in fear. Would she actually kill someone?

Sasuke pov


That's the only thing I can remember. Well, actually, I can remember the pain shooting everywhere in my body, and being carried by Dobe. He left Sakura! Why would you ever leave Sakura, especially after I said to take care of her? Maybe she has a plan...

"Okaa-san... Okaa-san..."

My eyes fluttered open. I was surrounded by all white, except for a moving image of his younger self. He was running to the Uchiha clan's housing area, back to his mother. "Okaa-san! Guess what?"

The beautiful Uchiha matriarch looked down, smiled, and ruffled his hair. "What, Sasuke?"

He eagerly told her of a new girl he had met, and Mikoto's eyebrows arched. Then she smiled. "Can you describe her?"

Younger Sasuke thought, then said, "She has really pretty eyes that are a bright green, and her hair is pink! Can you believe that Okaa-san? It's natural too!" He slowly started to frown.

"What's the matter Sasuke?"

"Nobody wants to be her friend, and they always make fun of her forehead. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, do you?"

Mikoto smiled warmly. Then a thought crossed her. "What's her name?"

"Hm....uh..I don't know.." Sasuke admitted bashfully. "But it may or may not be Haruno Sakura."

Mikoto squealed with delight on the inside and her smile grew wider. She's Mebuki's child! "Make sure you never lose Sakura. She'll be a great friend if you manage."

Naruto pov

By the time I got to Sakura, she already had guy--no, kid-- at his limit. Soon the red aura disappeared, and Sakura had just punched the kid in the mask, revealing her face. "You!" I heard Sakura yell. She's met this person before? "I knew you were a guy!" How is he a guy?

I watched for a little longer, they were now talking. Suddenly, Sakura had her kunai up to the boy's neck. Then, the mist cleared, and the boy disappeared.

Sakura pov

"Please, kill me...I have failed my master, and I have to worth anymore."

"Why would you want to die? You can find another purpose!" I asked frantically.

"Please kill me."

I sighed, and got my kunai ready. Then, the mist cleared and Haku disappeared. I turned and saw a gruesome sight. Kakashi was stabbing Haku with his own arm, and electricity was surrounding them. Haku had saved Zabuza's life yet again. Then I heard him cackle. "Good job Haku, you were of use to me after all! And now, I can take both of you!" I saw Kakashi trying to move, but Haku had an iron grip on my sensei.

It all happened so fast...Haku was on the ground, dead, and Zabuza wasn't able to use either of his arms. "Stop!" I cried. "Don't you even care about what happened to Haku? He lived for you, and all he talked about was you!  Is this what happens when you get strong? If so...I don't ever want to be a ninja!" By this point, I was crying. Not only for Haku, but because I was terrified that I was going to end up truly a monster.

I looked up at the swordsman and gasped. He had tears running down his face and he said, "Kid, your words cut deeper than any sword I know.."

"Hold on!" At the end of the unfinished bridge was Gato and his men. They looked ready to kill.

"Kid...lend me your kunai..." I got one from my pouch and tossed it to Zabuza, who caught it with his mouth. After that, well...he certainly lived up to his nickname. As he collapsed after killing Gato, who had stepped on Haku's face, he requested that Sensei carry him to the boy. It was a heart-wrenching moment with one of the swordsman's last words being, "I'm sorry Haku, but I don't think aim going where you are.."

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