Chapter 30: Training to Get Stronger!!

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Sakura pov

"Oi, Sakura-chan! Hurry up! Let's go!"

I groaned and rolled over. "Hn. Shut it Dobe. You don't wanna interrupt a girl's sleep.."

I sat up, my bangs in my face. "Naruto...?"

"Yes, Sakura-chan?"

BONK! "SHUT THE FUCK UP, ESPECIALLY WHEN A WOMAN IS SLEEPING!" I threw off the covers, with a wet feeling..'s time.

"OHMYGOODNESS SAKURA IS BLEEDING TO DEATH!" I rolled eyes and ushered them out of my room.

"Dammit!" I quickly took off the sheets and soaked them. Then I changed, put a pad on, and went to meet my teammates, but I had to make a detour. I found Tazuna's daughter, (I forget her name) and told her my accident.

Then I went downstairs and finally met Sasuke and Naruto. "Why were you bleeding?" Sasuke demanded.

"She always bleeds, Teme!"

"What are you talking about?"

I shot Naruto a glare and said, "I'm bleeding... Ya know, Mother Nature and stuff." The Uchiha's face got very red with embaressment. I smirked and walked in sync with Kakashi.

"Ne, sensei. What are we doing today?"

"Training." My eye twitched at his smart ass comment, but I stayed quiet. After we reached an area with not as many trees in the woods.

"Today we are going to learn how to climb up trees."

"Bwahahahaha! Sensei, we can climb trees already!" Naruto yelled while struggling to stifle his fits of laughter.

Kakashi just sighed and walked over to a tree. He looked at us, raised an eyebrow, and walked UP the tree trunk. Naruto yelled, "WOAH!" I pretended to be shocked, and Sasuke had an interested glint in his eye. Kakashi explained how to do it, and Naruto (everyone was suprised, even himself) ended up having some pretty good chakra control. For some reason, mine was really acting up.. Kakashi and a Naruto left to go back to Tazuna's house, leaving me and Sasuke to work on our tree climbing. All I remember is finally getting to the very top, falling, and being caught in an unfamiliar figure.

I sat up and looked at my surroundings immediately. There was a girl in a pink kimono picking some type of medicinal herbs and placing them in a basket. "You're awake." I jumped at the voice, it was lower than I had expected it to be.

"T-thank you for saving me." I said politely, faking a stutter. I quietly stood up and helped the mysterious person pick some more herbs until the basket was full.

"What were you doing out here? You could've gotten a cold.."

"I was training!" I said with fake excitement. There was something strange about this..girl?

"Oh! So you're a ninja? Why are you training?"

I didn't have to fake my enthusiasm for this response. "I'm training to protect the ones I love, and then I'll be one of the best kunoichi in my village!"

She nodded. "That's a good dream." Picking up the basket, she walked away from me. " the way, I'm a girl."

"I knew it!" I whispered furiously to myself.

Suddenly I heard, "SAKURA-CHAN!!!" Oh boy, it's Naruto. Inner? I haven't talked to you in a while.. where have you been? I don't know exactly what happened.. I sorta lost control of this psyche.  I frowned that's probably why I had a little more trouble with my chakra control.

"Ne, Sakura-chan! What's wrong?"

I had the sudden urge to use Naruto as my punching bag, and that's exactly what I did. 

"Ow, Sakura-chan!! What was that for?"

"Serves you right, Dobe." As my two idiot teammates fought, I walked to the house. After eating, I yelled at that little brat Inari, and I went to fall asleep after Kakashi offered to talk to him.

"Oh, you're finally up! Kakashi said you'd sleep in until at least the afternoon!"

"What time is it?!"

"Eh..about 8 in the morning."

I knew it! I knew they'd leave us here while they go to the bridge! Ughjssowevnxc... I am going to kill them when I find them.. I ran out of the house, and as I was traveling through the forest, I saw an area leading to the house that was cut up as if someone was practicing with a sword. Tazuna's daughter and Inari!

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