Chapter 21: Memories

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Sakura pov

Why was Sasuke acting like this? Naruto is hurt! I pursed my lips and inspected his wounds. Most of them weren't too deep. My hands glowed faintly with green chakra. I only knew simple medical ninjutsu, but it would suffice. I focused my attention on Naruto and hoped for the best.

Sasuke pov

After searching for 2 minutes, I found Kakashi standing in the open, reading his perverted book. I created a clone to look like the real me but it was an illusion, slowly crept up behind him, and had my clone jump Kakashi. He wasn't surprised. At all. He just pulled out his kunai and fought with me. I backed up and said,"I'm not going easy on you, so don't hold back. I'm different from Sakura and Naruto!" I made a few hand signs. Serpent. Ram. Monkey. Boar. Horse. Tiger.

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!"

Kakashi's eye widened with suprise, and my burst of flames hit him dead on. A black Kakashi lay there. I walked up to him and said,"I told you I was different." The jutsu I used brought back memories. Memories of when I got along with Sakura...


"Hey, you!" I sighed and turned around, expecting another fangirl, as usual. Instead, I saw that one girl that yelled at Neji Hyuga.

"What do you want?" I asked tiredly.

"What are you doing?"

I narrowed my eyes at the pink-haired girl. "Training."

Sakura nodded her head. "What jutsu is that?"

"It's a unique bloodline trait also known as kekkai genkai that is only passed down through certain clans." I boasted.

The girl looked bored. "Cool." She said sarcastically.

"What's so funny? At least I have a clan!" Immediately I regretted the words that spouted out of my mouth. I stared at the girl. She was looking at the ground, but she was smirking. Smirking after I insulted her to a point that if those harsh words were said to me, I would have cried.

After a moment of silence she looked at me. "At least I don't have hair that looks like a duck's ass!" She shot back.

"What's up with your pink hair?"

"And what's up with your attitude?"

"What's up with your large forehead?"

The pink haired girl laughed. She stuck out her hand and said, "I like you, you don't pity me. My name's Sakura Haruno."

I grinned and took Sakura's hand and shook them. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha."

" Now let's see that jutsu of yours again." suddenly she was standing on a tree upside down, defying the rules of gravity.

I grunted. I made the handsigns and tried again.

"Ohhh I know what's wrong. You're too tense! You just need to relax." She poked me and I fell over. "You're stiff as a rock! And besides, you're hurt." Sakura quickly made me sit down and pulled out a hand with a green-ish aura surrounding it. I backed away.

"Oh come on! I know a little medical care."she explained as she started treating my wounds. "Here now try it again."

I inhaled, performed the handsigns, and exhaled sharply, only to see a huge burst of flames. "I did it!" I said happily.

"Good job!" Sakura said smiling, her emerald orbs staring into my onyx ones.

><><><><><><>flashback ends<><><><><><><

I smiled at that fond memory. Then I heard a noise.

*Scratch, scratch, dig, dig*

I looked around at my surroundings. Up,left,right. Down. Shit. A hand shot out of the ground and grabbed my ankle. What the actual fuck just happened? One minute I'm moving around, the next I'm ground level, and I can't move! I struggle to get out of the earth. Where's Kakashi? I strained my neck to look over to my side. Of course! I should've suspected a substitution jutsu. All that was laying where I had roasted 'Kakashi' were a couple of logs! I fell right into his trap! All I could do was wait...

Naruto pov

I groaned and stirred in my sleep. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Sakura-chan touching my bare chest. BARE CHEST?! I looked at her and then she realized I was awake. She blushed and said,"It's not what it looks like! You were hurt and I had to at least try to heal you." I nodded.

"It's okay Sakura-chan! Now..where am I?"

"We're hiding at the moment. I had to stay hidden and heal you." she said gently.

"And..where's Sasuke?"

She sighed. "I tried to stop him," she said apologetically. "But he was so stubborn! He kept going on and on about getting stronger."

"Let's find him! Then we can persuade him together into working as a team! Believe it!"

Sakura-chan smirked. "It's going to take a lot to get through his thick skull.. But at least we can try!"

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