Chapter 31: A True Hero

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Sakura pov

I had just saved Inari's mom from those two creeps, and was working my way towards kicking their sorry butts. I used the substitution jutsu before that guy with the sword could cut me, then created a clone to kick both simultaneously.


I patted Inari's head and said, "You did an awesome job, Inari! When you distracted those two goons, I had the chance to use the substitution jutsu and saved your mom!"

"Thank you so much Sakura!" Inari said tearing up, then wiping furiously so his tears didn't show.

"Now, now. It's okay to cry when you're happy! So, I want you to carry your mom back to the house...and I can go help Naruto-kun and the others."

I left and started heading towards the bridge. I stopped in my tracks after seeing the battle so far. Naruto was guarding Tazuna, Kakashi was fighting Zabuza, and I'm guessing that Sasuke is trapped in that mirror thingy with the boy.

"SAKURA-CHAN! Go guard Tazuna so I can help Teme!" Reluctantly, I went over to where Naruto was and replaced him. Naruto sped off to go help Te--I mean, Sasuke-kun.

"Don't worry, Tazuna! I'll protect you with my life!" I said, determined.

Suddenly, mist appeared and began to engulf us. I took my kunai out and created two more shadow clones to surround the bridge builder. I was waiting, anticipating any enemies when I heard, "SASUKE!"

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