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"So I don't care what they say, 'cause I have seen when we run we make it rain. There's nothing better than this and I'll keep wanting you for one more kiss."
Make it Rain ~Colbie Caillat

Love is perhaps the world's most beautiful concept. It can never truly be defined and it comes in all shapes and sizes and in millions of various situations. Its brevity captivates poets and its everlasting constant brings souls solace. It's breathtakingly simple while all the same its overwhelmingly complicated.

As a notion I've tried to capture into words my whole life, I feel most of the times I struggle to result define love. But really its simple. After all it is the true purpose of why we are on this earth -to learn to love.

See love goes far beyond who you kiss. I have had many relationships with people who sometimes I do not even like, yet I show love. Its important to remember its not just a noun either or even an adjective, I believe so profoundly love is at it's best when it is a verb when its in action.

That was something he was incredibly good at. Perhaps more so than any man I had ever meet. His soul was so pure, he loved big. Of course this was, like me, his tragic flaw as it usually ended in hurt but also like me he knew it's true value was found in going for it no matter the risks. Love is something you fight for against all odds. If anyone has taught me that it's Tom.

Tonight was valentines. We decided to keep things simple and away from the public eye. But he of course could not resist taking me out to a romantic dinner -even if that meant buying out the whole restaurant on their busiest night in order to have some privacy.

I adored the way he made the whole evening so stereotypical. He bought me a dress to put on for dinner and surprised me with a boutique of roses. We shared delicious wine and heart shaped everything.

"Taylor," he started after we finished off the last bits of the fabulous red velvet cake. Slowly he reached for my hands across the table.

"I love you so much. You're perfect for me you know that? You're perfect because everything you do makes me smile. Because every second with you is worth while. Because when you laugh at me, I laugh too. Because everyone can see how badly I have fallen in love with you. Because I love your eyes and the way they shine. Because you don't tell lies and you're so cute when you're flustered with your song writing or obsessed over a new tune. Because when you get mad you can't hide it. Because even when you're sad, I can find it. Because the way you hold me sends shivers down my spine and butterflies in my stomach. Because I can never stop thinking about you. It's not fair because you are so perfect, no one on this very earth can compare."
He stopped noticing the way I was reacting. I was almost in tears and so caught up in the moment. We both were.
"Stop you're scaring me." I finally breathed.
"Scaring you?" He asked innocently confused.
"Yes! I feel like you're about to propose or something." I laughed.
Relief spread across his once concerned face and my favorite smile in the whole world soon took its place.
"No I'm not sorry to disappoint." He finally spoke.  "It's just lately the whole world has seemed against us and I believe you were in desperate need of a reminder of how deep my love for you is.


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