chapter thirteen

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"And everything feels so different now. Just grab a hold of my hand. I will lead you through this wonderland"
Yellow Light ~Of Monsters and Men

Someone once told me to never trust actors. The best ones were so good at what they did they often blurred the lines between their lives and their careers -they were always acting. There was a part of me that could not help but wonder if he was acting. Maybe he was just good at disguising himself as everything I wanted. He always knew what to say and he laughed at my jokes. I hated that my self nature was to doubt his genuine gentleman like behavior. But for reasons unknown I felt myself go on guard again.
  That was, until he was in my presence. His very presence had a wonderful allure to it. He was so beautiful. As if straight from a movie, it was no wonder his life calling was to be an actor.
A few days after the Gala he called apologizing for the night we had spent together. We were both to blame. We acted on our drunken state and although that was very poor as far as excuses went, it was the only explanation for my behavior. And the worst part was I could remember anything else after he first kissed me. I was so numb by the alcohol I could not recall the nights events. The way he smelt, how he felt or exactly what we did. It was out of character for both of us really. I had never once cheated on any of my boyfriends it was such an awful thing to do, ruin someone's trust and love for you. And I don't think it was something he ever did either. All we could do was blame it on the alcohol. I had spent so much of my time in pure guilt trying desperately to push the memory of the entire night to very back of my head.
We spent the rest of the evening together in Nashville. He took me out to another wonderful dinner. It was nice to have him all to myself. I say across from him admiring his sweet smiling and emoji game our small talk. He was the type of pretty and enthusiastic  that made you absentmindedly say yes to everything he said. So when he wants to whisk you away to his hometown in London you say yes.
He brought the idea up to me after dinner on our fourth day in Nashville. I had come back from a hair appointment -I decided to dye it back to its natural color- when he told me his plans for the next week. In his time off he wanted to go visit his family and wanted me to go with him.
"You want me to meet your parents?" I asked a bit startled by the idea. No one ever liked me. I was too big an influence to them usually. I don't think I ever met Adams parents come to think of it. He never asked.
"Well it's only my mum. My parents are divorced. I try to see her often she lives alone." He said sympathetically. I instantly felt bad for giving it a negative connotation.
"Oh I'm... I'm sorry to hear that."
"No it's better that way." He dismissed it however I felt there was some underlying hurt beneath his words.
"Have you ever been to Suffolk?"
"Can't say that I have."
"You'll like it there she lives right next to the ocean. Quite beautiful really."
After spending another evening in Nashville, the next morning we boarded my private jet. I was excited to be going overseas I had not been in some time. Tom was simply elated. The whole flight there he told me about his family. I learned he had two sisters, and that he was the middle child. The oldest of the three, Sarah Hiddleston, was a journalist and the youngest, Emma Hiddleston, was an aspiring actress. He told me a lot about his mother. I soon learned his parents divorced when he was 13. It was hard for him, he grew up the only man in the household. I could not imagine what that would be like. I was fortunate to have parents that were still together. And I only ever had Austin my brother no sisters.
Once we finally arrived I had let my nerves calm down. Tom was always so kind, so polite if his family was half the person he was they would be wonderful.
We finally arrived in the afternoon. As Tom had said, the place was beautiful, much colder than home but still. I was introduced to his mother. She was just expected, very sweet and fun.
"So this is the girl you've been talking so much about for so long." She said probably more to me than to him. He laughed.
We sat down for tea in her living room. She had a gorgeous house close to the ocean. The place was decorated in shades of blue with vintage things scattered about. It was very homey. I loved it.
"Why don't we all go out for an early dinner?" She suggested. Gladly we agreed and we walked down the beautiful stones streets as the sun made a grand appearance through the clouds. There were not as many paparazzi here but they were no doubt here on my behalf. I of course quickly apologized but Tom said is was no worry. We all wore sunglasses and he brought along two of his guards.
We dined at an Italian restaurant a block away from her home. The place smelled of delicious baked goods and much more. I sat and admired the man besides me. Today he was wearing a dark navy sweater with black pants. He would catch me smiling at him from the corner of his eye and reach over to hold his hand in mine. The small gesture of his was already my favorite.
I loved how we could all get together and nothing ever felt awkward or out place. I appreciated his maturity. He was sweet natured and always knew how to keep the conversation going. Of course I was the center of attention tonight and I got to share about my music and tours. I was refreshing sharing for a crowd who didn't know everything about me already. Or maybe they did and they were just being polite. Nonetheless it was a wonderful evening in Suffolk. I was happy to be staying awhile.

Ah I'm so close to current stuff lol. Sorry if the next few chapters are a lot fillers. There's not much to say about walks on the beach of you know what I mean😂

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