chapter twenty-two

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"She lives in a fairy tale, somewhere too far for us to find. Forgotten the taste and smell of a world that she's left behind"
Brick By Boring Brick ~Paramore

Expectations can kill a person. Ego is a flame that will only destroy. Communication is key, and conversations left unsaid do more damage than they could ever do to protect. These are a few things I learned from Adam. A lot of people say I should have been more considerate after ending a long term serious relationship. But now that I think about it, yes it was long term, but was it ever serious? There were moments when I truly believed I loved him and maybe he even loved me, but a future for ourselves was never discussed. Although, until most previously, Adam was the oldest man I had ever dated yet often he acted like boy. He was in it for the game, he did not want to settle. Why I was blind to see that I do not know. I wish I had seen earlier.
There was a certain charm about the wrong that made is so unspeakably desirable. I knew Adam was a bad seed. I had heard what he had done to past girlfriends, ridiculing them for his mistakes. I knew he was not the family type. I knew we could never have a decent future together. But he charmed me. For being a girl with a good reputation I was so charmed by the wrong.
Even with Tom I knew what I had for him was something that was always doomed to fail. A love formed from the greatest of sins was destined to be destroyed. I knew my reasons for liking him were wrong and there were times I was still uncertain if going out with him was my own doing or the doing of revenge or even a guilty broken heart. A lot of it seemed out of place. Our romance seemed a little too bright, a little too fast. Surely even I knew it would never last. But I reveled in its recklessness.
Exhausted from the long plane ride a new rush adrenaline soared through my fingertips upon stepping off the plane. The weather was the first to appeal to my senses. It's balmy breezy air was nothing like Los Angeles in its hot, bright days of July. Here the sky was a beautiful blue and the ocean smell consumed my lungs. It was winter in Australia but the air still had a comfortable warmth. I have always loved it here. I took most all my vacations in Australia and New Zealand and relished my touring time "down under" as they would say. To say I was happy to be back would be an understatement.
When Tom asked if I had wanted to join him on set of the filming of his latest movie Thor: Ragnarok I did not hesitate in saying yes.
I knew we would not be able to spend much time together as he would be extremely busy but I loved the idea of a vacation. I packed myself multitudes of books and fun stuff to do in the hotel while he worked. Not to mention a break from the American spotlight was much needed.
We boarded off the plane where we were met with thousands of flashes from cameras. Tom held out his hand which I gladly accepted.
"How the hell do you ever get use to all this?" He spoke in my ear.
"You just do." I said smiling. I clung to his arm. I always felt guilty when this many cameras were around. I knew it was out of my control and it was something a celebrity like me had to respect. But I hated having to drag everyone else into the mess. However to my relief Tom seemed okay. He smiled and even shielded me from the bright lights.
Soon more eager paps and journalists surrounded us. I mentally laughed. Their comments were usually mean but instead I chose to focus on the sound of their unique Australian accents.
"Is it true your relationship is fake?" One belted out. Tom looked at me and laughed. I was happy to see he was finding the fun in it as well.
"You two make a beautiful couple!"
Finally a comment I found content with. I looked at Tom but he was already looking at me.
When we finally arrived it was sunset. We were escorted to the hotel. A grand luxury hotel out looking the ocean. I marveled at its beauty.
"Wait til we get to our room." Tom smirked. As usual he has outdone himself. He was on a mission to impress me no matter what I told him about not having to.
Our room of course was the finest in the hotel. The penthouse to be exact. It was decorated in shades of an ocean tan and blue.
"Wow" I gasped as I looked around the 4 room suite. It was truly magnificent.

Tree called me later that night. I knew it must be important because usually she was good at leaving me be when I was on vacation. After all she encouraged me to go as long as I stayed on the down low of the spotlight.
"Hey what's up?" I said hoping the news was good.
"Good news or bad news first?"
"Bad... I guess?"
"Bad news, some people have gotten a hold on a lead about the song you wrote for Adam."
I cringed I knew that would happen sooner or later. Many months ago I stumbled into the studio where Adam worked. I had planned to surprise him with lunch while he was working. What started as a lunch date turned into a studio date when he asked my opinion on his new song he was writing for his feature with Rihanna "This Is What You Came For." I added some lyrical suggestions and even found myself helping on vocals. It was natural for me to want to help. And at the time he was grateful for it. I told him I wanted a fake name attributed to my work and he agreed knowing the added press was not needed or wanted. I guess I should have known after the breakup went sour someone would find out and make the minor detail a big one.
"Well now what?"
"I was going to release a formal statement confirming your work for him. It's only a matter of days now until the tabloids have a formal lead on the story. I think that's the simplest way to put an end to it with the least interference."
"Yeah yeah that's good." I gave a heavy sigh. If Adam was on a quest to make me regret ever meeting him he was doing a good job.
"Well what's the good news?"
"You topped Forbes as the highest paid celebrity of 2016."

Poor Taylor, Adams been kind of immature lately I just hope she's okay. Do you enjoy the realistic twist to my fic or would you rather I go more fictional?

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