chapter twenty-eight

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"Let 'em talk 'cause we're dancing in
this world alone"
World Alone ~Lorde

*warning this is pretty much all smut but you all asked for it so....

I could not help but feel the moment had been lost when she so quickly shut me down. But I had to remind myself not to get discouraged. She needed time, and proof. Proof that I was not going to disregard her in any way. A lot of backs had turned on her lately, I guess I could not blame her for being skeptical of mine.
She placed a firm kiss on my lips. I was at a complete loss for words. One moment she seemed upset, the next she was not.
"I guess I just want to forget." She said again after I did not respond.

All my fake friends and all of their noise

She looked upset this time, as if her thoughts were too painful for her mind. She still sat in between my legs. I did not want to let go of this moment.
"Then allow me to distract you." I finally spoke.
"Mhmm I like that idea." She cooed.
I could not help but feel myself get excited all over again.
I ran my hands up and down her waist slowly which sent a shiver down her spine. She leaned in for another kiss, this time her hands cupped my face.
"You're such a good kisser," she spoke, her voice sounding of pure sex.
I smiled at her compliment. She pressed her lips clumsily against mine. I joined in her crashing of smiles and lazy make out. I heard my phone buzz but I chose to ignore it. I was way too preoccupied to think about work. I felt her shuffle herself between my legs and her hands slowly move to my hair. Our make out grew more heated once tongues were involved. I kept my hands at her waist, wanting her to make the next move. Of course, I wanted more than a make out but I would let her decide. But her fingers slowly found there way out of my hair and to the buttons of my shirt. I grinned underneath her lips.

People are talking, people are talking.
But not you.

After she undid the last of the buttons I pulled away and flung my shirt to the floor. She giggled innocently. I smirked at her as I lifted her shirt gently over her head. She was so breathtakingly beautiful. Her skin a nice tan, her eyes a glistening blue. I allowed my hands to roam up her chest as I planted soft kisses on the side of her neck. She gave a content sigh. I loved making her feel good. I managed to slip off her shorts without much problem. We were still seating on the couch in the main room of the suite.
I brought my lips back to hers and our tongues fought for dominance. I felt her delicate fingers go to the zipper of my pants. I knew she would not be able to ease then off without me getting up however.
"Mhm maybe we should move this to the bedroom darling?" I murmured in her ear after placing another kiss down her neck. Excited by my own words, already anticipating what was to come next.
"What's wrong with here?" She said pulling away from me to look into my eyes. She looked so pretty in nothing but her undergarments -a sight only I had the pleasure of seeing.
"Uh nothing actually..."
She smirked. I did not at all mind making love to her on this couch. I gently moved her off me in order to get up and take off my pants. I could see the delight in her eyes. Part of me wanted to skip all the foreplay but the other half knew to take things slow. That was the difference to fucking and making love. It was all the soft touches and "you're beautifuls" in between.
  I picked her back up into my arms and rested my frame on the couch. The room was moonlit. It was nice having so much privacy as it left room for all this intimacy. I loved the casualty of the occasion. We were able to enjoy each other while laughing and clumsily kissing and not taking ourselves too seriously. She straddled me once more, the friction in between my pants grew to be too much. I slowly reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. I did so easily as one too many sex scenes in films had taught me the skill. She blushed as she always did upon too much exposure. I basked in the sight of her. It was such a beautiful thing, to allow someone to see you just as you are. Bare in all your beauty.
  The body had a unique way of telling its own story entirely. One of left over scars and stretch marks and imperfections that all adorned her exposed skin. They all lay with stories of all the years we had been apart. Never once in a moment had I wished to have met someone sooner than now. Where has she been my entire life?
"God you're beautiful." I breathed. She knew I had been staring as her cheeks flushed an even darker red. I lived for that gorgeous smile of hers. She giggled as I casually threw a few of the multiple pillows across the room to give us more space. I moved my hands to her breasts to massage her gently as my lips met her neck and then replaced my hands at her chest unconcerned with leaving any marks. I wanted everyone who say her to know she was mine, all mine.
She rolled her hips creating more friction. I felt myself grow hard. Our kisses become more passionate, more hungry. I felt her move her hands down in between my legs. As we struggled to strip ourselves of the rest of our clothes we laughed and kissed and never had I adored a night as much as this.

I know we're not everlasting.
We're a train wreck waiting to happen.

Ever time I questioned whether I was moving too fast with her I reminded myself that life was only temporary and after all she may not be in my life long. As much as I wished she would stay and I could have sex with her forever, I knew that there was always the possibility that feelings could change. She could move on, as she always did so effortlessly. But I would love her while I had her, and not ever regret one moment of it.
Despite my surging desire to move quickly I took care to gently place her tiny frame down on the couch. She looked up at me with a smile that could light up an entire city.
When our bodies finally connected it felt as though a flame would ignite with each touch. While one had stayed at her chest the other I used to lace my fingers with hers never wanting her to forget the love that was taking place. She had a magic to her, one that made you suddenly understand all those silly love songs about sparks flying when we kissed. In fact, they were entirely true. Making love to her was as poetically beautiful as it felt good. I had not felt this good in so long. And fuck she made me feel so, so good.
"I think I'm making for quite an exhausted Loki tomorrow." She smirked. I pulled her in close, loving the way her bare chest felt against mine and laid down next to her after our highs were met.
"I want to have sex with you for the rest of my life." I spoke still trying to catch my breath from the extreme high.
She gave a small laugh, her being still equally out of breath.
"We just fucked on a hotel couch." She laughed and I could not help but join in her laughter. It was truly contagious.

You're my best friend and we're dancing in a world alone.

There were countless people screaming in my ear daily to leave her. To not get entangled in the mess that came with loving Taylor Swift. But their harsh words only motivated me. I wanted her more and more each day. After all, I knew who I was dancing with. Since I met her, I have orbited planet Taylor. She was forever to be the center of attention. She was much bigger and louder and more successful and brilliant than I ever would be. However this did not bother me. Instead I saw it a privilege to have her as mine. She was a fire and I adored being ablaze.

Oooh this song fits perfectly for this. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment it honestly makes my day receiving feedback:)
(and yes the photo is from the wildest dreams music video)

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