chapter sixteen

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"And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid. I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did"
Begin Again ~Taylor Swift

"We are going on a spontaneous today trip to Rome!"
"Hahaha what?!?"
He was so jubilant about the idea I could not help but catch his enthusiasm. We were a dangerous mix the two of us- both so easily excitable about anything. I did not know how much I needed a guy like him in my life until I did.
"I already packed your bag. We leave in 20 minutes. Don't worry it's only a one day type of thing."
"Oh wow this is spontaneous!" I said. I guess I should probably have repacked my bag I could not image him knowing what to pack me but I decided just to wing it. I was going to Rome!
"Have you ever been?" He asked a bit of hopefulness in his voice.
"Yes but always for work related things, I want to go and just be a tourist!"
"Then tourist we shall be!" He exclaimed as he loaded the last of his carry on, a digital camera, into his bag.
Twenty minutes later the two of us boarded a private helicopter to Rome. It was efficient and would give us the whole day. We said goodbye to his mother and welcomed his three personal bodyguards, three men who looked somewhat close in age to him.
For the ride I had brought along a journal. I knew song lyrics would come to me on this trip. I scribbled down some thoughts on the pages. I was so excited for our mini getaway. I liked up at the man who sat across from me. His face was already upon me. His blue eyes shining with excitement.
"I was thinking I will take you to the Colosseum. You know since you wanted to be a typical tourist."
"Oh yes that sounds so wonderful! It's huge we spend all day there!" He smiled. He was so sweet. The more I got to know him the more I liked him. It was an obsession really, like playing a video game. You race through the levels in crazy eagerness to get to the end. I was doing everything I could, I spent almost every day with him since my oily bloc spilt. But it was never enough. I wanted more of him. So much more.
"You look absolutely lovely today. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you earlier." He said as he grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips. I liked that habit of his, kissing my hand. It was so sweet, so unique, so intimate. He did that a lot. And I still blushed every time he did.
"Thanks for saying that." I said still red despite the fact there was no one around to observe out encounter. We exited the plane and were some of the first guests to be admissions that day. We went through security checks, there were already people snapping photos of us, and then began to stroll the grounds. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of the day here.
Tom held my hand and his bodyguard offered to take my purse which I was extremely grateful of. Today I wore a little yellow sundress with buttons going down the front. It was a thin spaghetti strap so I went without a bra but that didn't really matter. For shoes I picked out bright blue pumps. They did not have much of a heel but that worked out for it made Tom tower me. The shoes of course did not match at all but I didn't care.
We walked along the outskirts taking in the view from below. Everything was so picturesque. After walking and chatting for what seemed like hours we finally made it to the top floor. Up here there was no roof and the view of the city was something to die for.
"Let's stop here I want to take some pictures." Tom said. The bodyguards walked ahead of us giving us our space. I loved how Tom wanted to stop and take pictures of everything. As he took a few of the city he began rambling on about the history. I could hear him talk about it all day.
"Do you want me to take picture of you." I laughed once he put down the camera.
"Uh sure why not?"
He struck a cheesy pose causing me to laugh and then a few natural ones.
"The lightings just about perfect right now." He remarked. We were coming up to sunset. The place had a natural glow.
"Here," I said as I started to flip the camera. "I can be good at this selfie thing." I stated he leaned in and we took a few photos that way.
"Shall we?" He asked as he extended a hand.
"Yes" I smiled and took his beautiful hand in mine. We walked a little longer, him telling me about the place. He knew a great deal and I began to wonder if he had been here before or if he was just one of those people who knew a lot about everything.
We stopped again before we made our exit. The place looked lovely from above. There was no one on the top floor however I noticed from the corner of my eye there were people below us snapping pictures.
"It's a shame they want to spend all their photos on us when they could be taking great ones of our history." Tom remarked casually as he pulled me into him so that our bodies were touching. He wrapped his arms around my hips and pulled me even closer.
"Well I don't blame them because you're extremely sexy."
He threw his head back laughing and I laughed with him. It was so easy to make him laugh. I loved my power to do so.
"Well I don't think they're looking at me." He said softly now. He then pulled me in for a kiss which I happily greeted. I laced my long arms around his neck as my fingers ran through his hair. He kissed me softly. It wasn't a make out but it was passionate. His kisses were something else.
"I think we are going to miss our flight." I said after we pulled away.
"Can you blame a man for enjoying his tour and his lady at the same time?"
He smirked. He was up to something. He did not let me go buy I noticed his demeanor change. Was it excitement or nervousness?
"Hey would you rather I get a hotel and we can leave first thing tomorrow?"
His arms were still around me and I felt him, if possible, pull me closer. His legs were apart in a way that allowed my small frame to come closer to his.
"I would like that very much." I said and quickly kissed him again before his bodyguards found us.
Tom briefed them on our change of plans and told them he would pay for any of their troubles. He then asked one of them to find the most beautiful hotel and book four rooms. I did the math, there were five of us. But I decided not to question it.
That night he took me shopping down the main strip and we ate dinner at an extremely fancy restaurant. To my extreme delight there were no paps around not even people with their cell phones taking pictures of us. I knew the place must be extremely expensive.
"Thank you for such a wonderful trip. I've always wanted to do this." I gushed. The day had been beyond my hopes. It was gorgeous and romantic and wonderful.
"Anything for you love." He said as he extended a hand to help me from my seat then he kissed it ever so gentleman like.
"Now shall we call it a night?"

Absolutely loved their photos in Rome! Whose excited for the next chapter?

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