chapter thirty-two

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"Caught up in an overflow.
My hands, your bones"
Lose It ~Oh Wonder

Although I adored sharing my Beverly Hills home with him, Tom had a quick turn around before boarding another plane and off into the lower parts of Southern California for the San Diego National Comic Convention. I knew he was greatly anticipating the media event made specially for nerds. He attended almost every year for different movies and different reasons nonetheless he adored the vibe of it all. He had shared his passion for the event to me the previous day. I was excited for him. No doubt he would be the center of attention, especially with the added touch of being "Taylor Swift's girlfriend" although I highly doubted anyone in the geek-comic-realm knew of my pop songs but you never know...
   I knew I had only known him for little over two months but I missed him terribly. I missed the feeling of his soft finger pads gently tracing over my skin. I missed his random but sweet kisses he would plant on my forehead as I drifted to sleep. I must be going mad. I thought to myself. My mental state was simply captivated by the idea of imagining him with me. Surely I was going mad, being so obsessed with someone. But in all honestly Tom provided something I never really knew I needed. He gave me security and comfort. He constantly reminded me of his sheer and unfaltering adoration for me. I had grown so accustomed to fending for myself. Mentally drilling myself to believe I needed no one but my own contentness to make me happy to make me safe.
  And for a time it did work. I learned to rely on my own self happiness and with my constant failing of relationships I began to wholeheartedly believe I was forever meant to be alone. But with him I knew I did not have to be. He was my firm foundation in which I could lean on. And I fell head-over-heels into his embrace.
Two slow days passed as I wandered my Beverly Hills home alone for the first time in months. I tried hard to keep busy. I cleaned around the house, even finding myself heartlessly throwing away old photos and tokens left over from Adam. The idea of him no longer pain me. In fact I was so benevolently grateful in our parting. After all, had I chose to brace the storm I would have never fallen into Tom's embrace.
It was the middle of summer but I already felt myself aching for fall. I longed for the colder air, the colors of the trees loosing their shade of green. The clouds which soon would be more evidently grey and the atmosphere less carefree. The long days of summer were tiresome and marvelous. No doubt I had had the most interesting summer of my life. Normally I was sad to see it leave, but this time around I was grateful. Yes I had had a wonderful summer. Nonetheless I was very much looking forward to fall.
It was getting late, I decided to draw a bath for myself. Nothing was more relaxing than a bath.
I quietly entered my bathroom and started a sparkling bath for myself. One infused with a sweet perfume and pink colored bath bomb and of course some light bubbles. I did not bother to take off my makeup. I knew eventually the water would wash it all off, even my bright red lipstick.
I had had a hell of a week. So much obnoxious drama filled my day to day life. Some days I wished I could just escape it all. But I knew I had bargained for all of this. If I wanted the luxurious baths with fancy salts and expensive perfumes I would have to deal with the shitty media drama.
I soaked in the sweet waters that, when laying down, came all the way up to my collarbones. It was bliss.
It was not until I was interrupted by a tiny tap at the door did I realize how much time has passed.
"You may come in if you like," I spoke softly knowing very well who it was.
After a long two days of interviews, press and travel I was happy to see him again. He poked his head around the bathroom door with a beautiful beaming smile. If his smile was a drug I was on overdose.
His smile turned into a smirk when he came up to the tub and knelt besides it so that he could be eye level with me.
"Good evening beautiful girl," His voice a heavy accent and one I had become very much in love with.
I leaned over to kiss him I could never get enough of his lips. We pulled away slightly but I could tell he wanted more. He looked so perfectly handsome in a light blue button up and dark black pants.
Being submerged in nothing but a light perfumy bubble bath left little to his imagination I'm sure. I decided to change that situation for him.
"This bath is so relaxing you should join me." I joked dragging my long arm across the water. The luxurious tub was huge. The white marble mixed with the pink tiny if the soap consumed waters made the place look nothing but relaxing. But I knew this type of thing was not a mans cup of tea. I knew he would decline in hopes of not disrupting my time for relaxation.
However, despite my apparent joke he immediately stood up.
"Don't mind if I do."
He quickly kicked off his shoes and began to discard his clothing as well with much anticipation. I could not help but laugh at his reaction. The cheesy romantic was at it again.
I watched with a gaze of pure lust as my lover feverishly stripped himself of his shirt then belt and pants. I laughed at his attempt to quickly change and his pure genuine desire to be with me. How did I ever get so lucky?
"Oh my! Tom!" I squealed as he not so smoothly entered the water causing it to come rushing out on all ends and splash me, and the floor, relentless. We could not help but laugh hysterically at the mess we were making and pure joy in doing it.
Soon his beautiful body came crashing down on mine and my lips met his with a whole new passion. We made out until we were out of breath. I pulled away and giggled at the sight of my lip color smeared onto his. The heat of the warm water and his touch was soon over taking my body. What this man would not do for me I was unsure.
"I need to invite you into my baths more often," I spoke my words a seductive whisper to his ears. He chuckled, his hands roaming my chest, his lips at my neck. There was so much tension between us but in a romantic, maybe sexual, way.
I craved his touch and his lips and his sweet smile and glistening eyes. I felt indestructible at his side. He was my king, and I his queen.

Sorry updates have been slow... What do you want to see happen next in this fic?? PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE AND COMMENT

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