chapter twenty-three

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"Sheer and wild abandon that's all I need
And someone I can trust"
Craving ~James Bay

  I rounded the corner and outside the door. Millions of flashing cameras met my gaze the moment I stepped out the door of the hotel. All I wanted was a jog on the beach. I took a deep breath, I had to be okay with this. This was my life now. Furthermore I had to remind myself to treat them with kindness, after all they were just doing their job. They had families to support at home too.
So when a young lady pulled me aside for an interview I could not just run away. I knew I had to be cautious about my answer too. A lot of my friends and family asked me why. Why would I sacrifice my remaining privacy for her? Why would I agree to sign all these binding contracts that kept me from saying things to the media? I saw how well that was working for her ex.
Of course they asked me about her. I just mumbled an "I don't know." I hoped she would move on and talk about the movie or something but she did not so I finally had to excuse myself as politely as possible. I could not talk about Taylor publicly, not yet.
I had gone over the papers at least twenty times with my team of publicists. I knew what I could and could not do. She was a celebrity force unlike any I had ever witnessed. But she's worth it I would remind myself.
As I ran along the shoreline for my daily personal exercise I could not help myself but think of her.
She was a good person I truly believed that. But there was always so much going on around her sometimes she acted recklessly, without much after thought. Who could blame her? Simply breathing was a public phenomenon to be recorded by the press and analyzed by the fans.
Something was going on right now that I could not quite pinpoint. She was unhappy, yes I got that far but from what I was unsure. I heard her talking to her publicist last night but I did not eavesdrop. I had a feeling it was more ex boyfriend drama. I could not understand the man, one day he was bursting in angry fumes the next he was trying to kiss up to her again. No wonder her emotions were going all over the place.
I understood that she was over him. I did not doubt her commitment to me either. But I knew there was some unfinished business. And the media was making a complete fuss over it. I guess it was what is expected after all their relationship was always very public. I did not let my relationships go public, maybe it was for this reason, I never let it happen therefore I  never knew the consequences. Of course there was some of it that would always be out of control. And that's what got to her. She was use to being in control and having her way and when she could not quite pinpoint something she would get frustrated.
I had not known Taylor long but do not really have to to know she was extremely privileged. But she was also extremely beautiful, and perfectly kind and somehow that made it all worth it.
I got back to the hotel late per usual. This week had been packed with personal training and filming. My makeup alone took longer than I would like to admit. The work as always was rewarding, but coming home to her was even more so.
After I got out of my shower I found her sitting on the bed. She was reading a book.
"Hey." I managed still pulling a casual sweater over myself. She looked up, her eyes a happy glow at my presence. I lived for that smile.
I crawled onto the bed and pulled her into my arms. I felt my stomach turn with excitement as she leaned in for a kiss. Kissing her was always so exciting and although I should be use to the taste of a girl lips pressed against my own hers were something else.
Loving her was sheer and wild abandon. I knew very well who I was dancing with. I knew this could be the best years of my life, or it could crash and burn shortly, horrifically. But I knew better than to not live in the moment.
After a few minutes of a casual make out I pulled away.
"Thoughts on letting me take you out for a dinner date?"
"Absolutely lovely, darling." She said mimicking my speech.
I left the room so she could change and get ready for our date. I was exhausted, I would have to order something strong to drink.
I looked up to see a totally transformed person. The girl who was in comfy clothes and glasses now wore a beautiful floral dress and pink lipstick.
"You look amazing." I breathed. She had on a black floral dress with a dangerously low cut at the chest and high heels that made her almost as tall as I was.
"Thanks for saying that." She blushed. I could tell she was having second thoughts about her choice of dress. If only she knew how perfectly wonderful she was.
We dined at a fancy Italian restaurant in the Gold Coast. I was slowly learning Italian was her favorite.
As we ate and chatted I could not help myself but constantly check her out. Her hair was now completely back to its natural color. She had on a dark colored nail polish, she still wore that ring I gave her. It was kind of silly how much analyzing I had been absentmindedly doing. Everything to the shade of lips to her exposed chest seemed to appear to my senses.
"Eh hem... My eyes are up here." She finally spoke snapping me out of my daze.
"I'm sorry."
Now it was my turn to be utterly embarrassed.
  "So how's the movie going?"
Her voice has a charm to it. I loved her sweet American accent.
"Uh good actually."
I do not know why I felt nervous around her so much. Maybe it had to do with the fact she was more successful than I would ever be. She was truly intimidating. If my love-struck heart was not head over heels for her I might find myself very intimidated by her presence. But that was the thing, you would expect someone so successful, so powerful even to be more conceded or confident even strictly composed but she was not. She was simply sugar, spice and everything nice. Of course her immense power was a complete turn on, but I kept those thoughts in my pants.
We left after our dinner greeted by thousands of cameras. I smiled, I could get use to this... maybe. Once we were in the safe confines of our hotel, I collapsed on the couch exhausted from the day. It was close to 12:30. To my delight she joined my sprawled out frame on the couch after taking off her shoes.
"Thank you for our dinner date." She chimed, I swear her voice sounded of pure sex.
She rolled herself atop of mine. I wanted so badly to kiss her and run my hands along her small frame. I did not act however, I tried desperately to read her eyes. What was she thinking behind those icy blue eyes?
"You have to wake up early again tomorrow." She whispered as if answering my question.
"Yeah I know but-"
I leaned in to give her a kiss. I never got tired of kissing her.

Double update! Please stay active and vote and comment on my chapters okay thank you!

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