What they get you for / do Valentines day

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Axl: being himself he would get you some fancy lingerie or expensive perfume. Either way you would definitely be having some fun that night 😉

Slash: Slash is a shy sweet baby so he would order pizza and get alcohol for the two of you and you would cuddle while you watch movies.

Duff: Since he is our favorite vodka slut, so you would either get drunk at home or go to a bar and after walk around town making out

Steven: He would shower you with unnecessary gifts, stuffed animals, chocolates, cards, and tones of kisses. You two would spend the day cuddling and watching cheesy romantic movies.

Izzy: since Izzy has a hard time being emotional, he would keep it simple. Flowers, a card, and small kisses throughout the day. He might even take you out to an 8Os themed diner

Guns N' Roses preferences Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ