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I sit down and try to even my breathing and look calm, but my leg keeps shaking uncontrollably. I hate my nervous habits.

"Ahh. Miss Nichols." Says Dr.Landix as she enters her office.

"Is everything alright?" I wonder. "I only just turned in the application."

"Oh everything is fine actually. There is someone that is interested in you being their surrogate."

"Already?" I ask in disbelief. I literally just turned the papers in yesterday.

"Yes, well possibly." He smiles. "They are looking for someone young, healthy, no criminal history, a good medical history, and you fit the description perfectly."


"I set up a meeting for you to talk with them tomorrow. Does that work for you?"


He smiles and hands me the address. I shove it in my purse and hurry out of the office. This shit is just so weird to me.

I know if I think it's weird then I probably shouldn't do it, but I have to. I mean...I really need this money. I'm like weeks away from being evicted...again.

My roommate has already been a surrogate for the last eight months. Her belly is huge. She's due any day now and she has already been having the parents pay all our bills for us and it's not fair, so now I have to step up and do something. If my parents could see me now they would be so disappointed.

I had to drop out of school because I couldn't pay my tuition and my lousy job as an assistant is making me no money.

"Hey, wassup pretty?" My roommate, Karla asks.

"Nothing. How are you two doing?" I ask gazing at her belly.

"She's growing everyday." Karla sighs. "I asked them about names and they said they were thinking of Rose. How typical."

Karla is using her own egg and giving the baby to a gay couple. The guys are really nice and they come over a lot, but ever since Karla found out she's having a girl I think she's having cold feet. I mean this is her daughter.

"What names do you like?"

"Karla." She laughs. "At least then I'll be remembered."

"You know they said that you are welcome to see the baby anytime you like. They do want her to know her birth mom." I remind her.

"That'll just be too hard." She sighs and sits down on the couch. "Did you find parents yet?"

"I'll find out tomorrow."

"Hopefully they don't need your egg." She says causing me to worry a little bit. What if they do need my egg? I wouldn't want to give up my own child.

"I'm beat. I'm going to take a nap." Karla says as she head for her room.

"You're always tired nowadays." I tease her and she flips me off.

I love Karla. We have been best friends for eight years now. We have been through everything together and we are basically all we have.

Surrogates (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें