37. Shadow

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Shanaya POV:

"Say Shanaya-aaa....." I said to my little niece.

She giggled and cried out. "Aaaa...."

She cooed making me smile. Small babies are just so damn cute.

My fingers reached her stomach and she burst into fists of giggles. I find myself smiling as well at her.

My phone started ringing with alarm indicating that it's time. Madara had called me to the river side and he looked desperate so I set up an alarm not wanting to get late or worse forget about it.

I checked in my appearance. Approving myself I cradled Saya in my arms as my legs took me to Akasumi.

She was sitting on the floor with scrolls and weapons sprawled all over the place.

She looked up and gave me a smile.

"I am going." I said placing Saya in her cradle.

"Okay" I nodded and walked out.

I walked towards the river side masking my chakra making sure that he wouldn't feel me coming.

I saw him standing at the shore skipping stones. I smiled and was about to walk up to him when my mind registered the presence of another chakra.

This chakra was so different from us.

My eyes roamed about the whole place when I saw a black shadow hiding behind the tree.

Is Madara oblivious to his presence.

But then again, what is this creature.

Surely it doesn't looks like a human.

I unmasked my chakra.

I felt the shadow stiffen but found no change in Madara's. With my very own eyes I saw the shadow being sucked down by the ground.

He felt my presence so he left. He was keeping an eye on Madara, but why for. I tried sensing him again but failed. So I guessed that he had left.

I turn my gaze to Madara boring holes in his back.

How long had it been going on? For how long someone had kept an eye on him?

And I find it really hard to believe that Madara is oblivious to it. Is it really possible to fool Madara.

"Are you just going to stand there and bore holes in my body." I hear a familiar and got out of thoughts. I had unmasked my chakra so of course he could sense me now.

"Nah, I was just checking your beautiful physique." I say as I walked over to him.

I placed on his shoulder and stood besides him. He looks at me and gave me a gorgeous smile.

"You said that you were checking me but I am still in my clothes. So baby how did you do that because I am damn sure that you don't have a Byakugan." He teased and my lips tilted up in a smirk but simmered down at his next words.

"Should I undress myself so that you can check me out better." My face got all heat up and I am sure I heard him chuckle lowly.

A mischievous glint appeared in my eyes and he furrowed his brows in confusion at my sudden change in behavior.

Turning to him I placed my lips on his and kissed him hungrily. He didn't wasted time as he kissed me back meanwhile my hands dipped in the collar of my kimono lower so my cleavage was visible.

I am trying to seduce him now. Hell, Madara. What have you made me..?

But then again, there is nothing wrong in seducing your man.

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