14. Kiku

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Shanaya POV:
"Wow Shanaya dear congrats you finally did it." Izumi san said as she sat down besides me.

"Y-Yeah I...I did it. T-Thank y..you." I said trying to catch my breath.

I was leaning against the tree completely worn out. My left hand was on my chest trying to calm down my racing heart.

I did it. I finally did it. I have learnt how to climb tree.

So finally I am done. I know how to walk on water, jump from one tree to another, climb trees.

My training is finally done. I wonder if I could learn anything else.

"Are you alright." I was brought out of my thoughts with Izumi san words.

"Yep I am. I finally did it." I said happily.

She laughed. "Yes you did it. Why wouldn't you. You have practiced for it so hard."

She said and I nodded. "Yes I am completely done for today."
She laughed again.

I sighed and looked up at the sky. It had been two weeks and no sign of them. A letter had arrived from the clan leader saying that they are having upper hand in the war. But no glimpse about when they will return.

I have kept my senses awake making sure that no danger in inflicted on the compound. But  luckily it never happened.

"Hey Izumi san."


"You are a kunoichi aren't you."
"Hmm" she nodded.

"So do you also use to go to war." I asked out of curiosity.

"Yes I do. The last time I participated in the war was five years ago."

What?? Five years. Really.

"Yes that was the last battle me and Tajima had participated."

"After that we settled down letting the young generation take charge. Madara surely is an amazing leader. He has taken the clan to its peak."

"I see."

"Well I will be going now. Do you wanna come or wish to stick here." She said standing up and dusting the dirt off her kimono.

"I guess I will stick here for a little more. Don't worry I will come back before it gets dark."

She nodded and left not before placing a kiss on my cheeks.
No doubt he is an amazing leader. All those battle and mission strategies he used to plan were perfect.

He surely is an amazing fighter too. Well of course who am I doubting. He is one of the two strongest shinobis alive along with Hashirama Senju.  

Yeah the senjus. The war is against them.

Senju and the Uchiha the two strongest clan of the ninja world and bitter enemies from eternity.
It would have been so good if they were allies from the start.

I sighed. Well that's off topic. No one can change the future after all. We got to bear with it.

I just hope they are alright.

I have completely devoured the library. There is not even a single book there that is left untouched and unread by me.

Receiving knowledge about chakra and it's natures. That every person is born with a certain chakra nature. The uchihas have fire style chakra nature and so has the Sarutobi Clan. While the Hyuga clan members have wind style chakra nature.

Every clan has there own specialities.

Like the uchihas have kekkai genkai of dojutsu the Sharingan.  And they all possess fire style chakra nature. And excels in genjutsu due to their Sharingan.

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