5. A new life begins

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Madara POV:

We walked for almost whole day. Sun was setting now. I could clearly tell that the girl was tired. But even though her enthusiasm was at top.

She and Izuna talked for the whole day telling them about each other. Seems like Izuna got company. I giggled at the thought.

She has talked to me though but she was enjoying Izuna's company more. This girl she is quite amusing specially the way she kissed me. I was just too shocked.

This was the first time I had some sorts of physical relationship with any women. I was never interested in girls.

Either they run away from me due to fear or I used to ignore them. But she was different.

It would take probably take a few hours for the sun to set so we should find shelter soon. I was about to say it to Izuna when Shanaya spoke up.

"You know we should find a shelter soon. It's gonna rain harshly soon."

I looked up at the sky. Man she is right. It's really gonna rain harshly soon.

"Yeah you are right. We should move faster aniki. I don't wanna get wet. Not at all." Izuna said staring up at the sky.


"I thought I told you that we should hurry". Shanaya said.

"Let's go brother we should find shelter soon."

I nodded. I went to stand in front of her and I threw my hands a little back over my shoulder and looked at her. She looked at me confused.

"Jump on" I said.

She narrowed her eyes. "What no way." She said crossing her arms.

"Look we don't know how far we will have to travel to find shelter. So we should hurry. Now come on."

"Oh OK" She said hesitantly and jumped on me. Oh god she is so light. We both jumped on trees.

"What the" she screamed. I turned to look at her while jumping. She held my front clothes tightly in her hands which were wrapped around my neck. She was having her eyes closed. I could clearly tell that she was afraid. I let out a sigh.

"Look you need not to be afraid girl. Just open your eyes its fine nothing will happen. You won't even fall." I said trying to console while Izuna beside me chuckled.

She held my clothes more tightly and slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes widened at the scenario. I chukled at her reactions. Soon we saw a cave and we head in.

Shanaya POV:

I can't believe this. This all is just amazing. My life has never been adventurous so now I am just. I basically can't explain my feelings. It just feels like we are sitting in a metro. Amazing.

After five minutes we saw a cave so we head in. I sat down completely exhausted. Madara came to me and gave me water to drink. I immediately grabbed it and started to drink. Madara chukled at my reaction.

"What's so funny hnn I am just exhausted. And so I am thirsty." I narrowed my eyes at him and he chukled again.

And soon it began to rain slowly at first and harshly later.

"It seems that it is going to rain like that whole night. We get in time." Izuna said.

Madara turned to face me. "It seems that you were serious hnn. If you wouldn't have scolded us then we wouldn't have made in time. " He mocked.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Nice joke but I didn't like it at all."

"Oh really." He said raising a brow.

"Yes really." I backfired him.

"Hnn whatever." He said waving his hands a little. He went on and sat on the side of the cave.


The rain hasn't stopped. I shivered as it has gotten colder. I grabbed my bag and took out a jacket and quickly wrapped it around myself. Ahh god I feel so warm.

I then looked at Madara and Izuna. They were sitting facing to each other at corners of the cave. Izuna was holding his arms against his shoulders. I could clearly tell that he was feeling cold.

I looked at Madara to notice that he was leaning against the wall  having his eyes closed and he was shivering a little.

I searched my bag and took out two leather jackets. One for each. I throw the jacket at them and they started staring at me holding the jackets in their hands.

"Wear it you will feel warm." I told them.

"What" Madara said.

"Wear it" I said again

Izuna immediately wore it and I  could clearly see the relieving look that he gave indicating that he is feeling much better.

"Man it feels so warm." Izuna said and looked up at me. "Thank you".

I smiled. "Hnn there is no need to be." I said waving my hand a little.

Then I looked up at Madara was just staring at the jacket. I sighed and  stood up and took the liberty for him. I reached to him and sat down in front of him. He watched me with wide eyes curious to know what I am going to do. I took the jacket from him and wrapped it around him.  Then I zip him up. I looked up at him who was just staring me.

"So how is it." I asked.

"Not bad." He replied.

I rolled my eyes not getting bothered with his answer. And he just smirked. I then sat besides him. He watched me with curious eyes. Izuna stood up and took out a bedroll and get under it immediately. I chuckled at his behavior. Madara just smiled.

"Good night" Izuna said.

"Good night" me and Madara, we both say it together.

I looked up at him and he was already staring at me. Izuna chuckled and turned away.

"So Madara who are there in your family besides you and Izuna."

"Our parents"

"I see so you two are their only child."


I looked at him with curiosity.

"We used to be five"

"Used to be"

"They all died in war."

"Oh I am sorry."

"You don't have to be"

"So you are taking me to them"

"Well not exactly to my clan"


"Yes we all are you can say blood related and we all possess these sharingan."

Clan. Hmm people who belong to the same cast basically descendent of a certain person.

"So there are many other clan except for Uchiha"

"Of course the persons who attacked you were from the Hagoromo clan."

"I see"

We kept on talking like that for hours. He asked me questions and I asked him. In the end I finally fall asleep.


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