Chapter 6

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I look out at the crystal blue waters and I have never been more at peace.

Leaning back on this lounge chair, the warm sun hitting my already slightly bronzed ski, I feel like nothing can touch me. Nothing can get through this entirely calm and solid exterior.

The rhythmic back and forth of the waves ahead of me are soothing and delightful. Why didn't I think of this sooner? I'm so happy I decided to do this...oh fuck off.

Who the hell am I kidding?

That's all still a fantasy.

The white sandy beaches are miles and miles away and calm Emma is nothing but a dream. Instead the sun is permanently hidden behind the dark clouds that have yet to alleviate since I arrived and I am sat here with Niall for yet another afternoon.

Not that I'm complaining but...

Well Niall is really getting on my fucking nerves at the moment. I'm just at the point where I want to scream but I don't because he is also the one person who I can bare to be around.

Once again we're arguing. It's not the vicious kind of fights that Harry and I have had previously. No, nothing can break NIall's cheery exterior and cotton candy outlook on life. It's nauseating and fulfilling all at the same time.

At the moment he's asking me to be reasonable and call him. Actually Niall wants me to call anyone. I haven't reached out since I got here and for some reason Niall thinks it will do me some good if I do. He mentioned something about closure of some bullshit like that.

Needless to say I haven't called anyone yet.

"Look Niall. It's not like he's banging down my door to try and fix things is he? He doesn't seem to want any closure." I argue back completely exasperated with the way this conversation is going.

"Emma, he doesn't know where you are." He counters matter factly with a knowing grin on his face.

"Come on. It can't be that difficult to figure out where I am and he's a smart guy. If he really wanted to get to me he could. I mean where else in the world would I go?"

"Um...I don't know." He says in a mocking tone. "Anywhere in the bloody world Emma."

"Whatever." I wave him off as I step into his living room and make myself comfortable. "I don't know why you're making me wait anyway? All we do is fight. Why won't you just let me go?"

"I didn't say you couldn't go, I said you shouldn't." He points out.

"And I said I'd wait a week to decide but I'm still going and I'm not calling him." Hoping to effectively stop the conversation from going any further.

"Emma you're being ridiculous."

"It's not your trip to keep from me." Further confirming his argument.

"Maybe but I'm gonna spend this whole week trying to change your mind." Well that should be fun.

"You can try but it won't happen but I'll wait a week and in return you will do what you promised." HIs face immediately falls. "Come on it will be fun."

"I don't think that's a good idea either." He says, wearily.

I know he's nervous but he needs to calm down. It's not that big of a deal afterall.

"Come on, I'll go first." I egg him on, trying to pull him off the couch, knowing his nerves are getting the better of him even if he doesn't want to admit it to me.

Intent 2: Fight or Flight [Wattys 2017] (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now