Kim possible : Shego x male reader

Start from the beginning

You placed Shego back on the ground letting go of her neck she so she could massage it then kick you were it hurts mad leaving you on the ground in pain. She walked into a hall to the training room letting her claws leave her mark on the wall now that substance crawled off back to you.

Drakken helped you back up looking the way Shego went.

(Y/n) : she's pissed

Drakken : don't worry i do this stuff all the time.... i once even had a mind control chip turning her into a maid
(Y/n) : and she stayed ?
Drakken : yes.... wanna see the video's ?
(Y/n) : maybe later i better apologize

Giving her 30 minutes to cool off you started looking for Shego holding a soda bottle following the noise of combat into the training room where Shego ripped through a few training robots drakken made to keel her skills up. You flinched when she caught the arm of a robot who threw a punch then cut the arm off following it with her claws ripping through his waist.

Shego succesfully destroyed all the robots, she stood breathing heavely in the middle of the pile of poor robots who suffered her wrath every single one of them would never work again.... okay some who were cut through the waist but the rest are scrapmetal.

Shego turned around finding you standing by the door making her blood boil wanting to either kill you or some more robots but sadly the second options was out of robots,

Shego : what do you want ?
(Y/n) : i came to tell you i never wanted to take your place doubt i live to your legacy... i just wanted to see my uncle have some fun and who knows get paid.... but i never wanted to hurt you
Shego : im not hurt !!!

She turned around kicking a robot hiding the fact if was a bad idea that nearly broke her foot.
(Y/n) : still im sorry.... i got you a soda if your thristy

Saying that made Shego feel how thirsty she was from the training so still a little mad she accepted the drink clawing the top open then gulped the drink almost in one go. You shivered when she took her second sip finishing the bottle then threw it against the wall still not looking at you.

Shego : and you promise you didn't mean to try and take my place

(Y/n) : promise... i don't wanna fight you i wanna be friends

Shego breathed out feeling calmer them before more mad at Drakken then on you all by now she was used to Drakken stupid plans that never went well for her.

Shego : im still mad so if you do something for me i won't hurt you
(Y/n) : what ?

Shego turned around walking over to you grabbing your collar bringing you to eye level her face just two inches away from yours her hot breath right on your face.
Shego : i want a date
(Y/n) : huh ?

Shego smirked bringing you another inch closer looking you in the eyes with a look you knew was that of a predator

Shego : you heard me... i want a date a nice place just you an me... nothing like a stupid fast food restraurant a actually restraurant.

(Y/n) : um okay
Shego : good.... now i want this

She pulled you in for a kiss on the lips, you were tense at first but eased up on it wrapping your arms around her waist while kissing her back feeling one hand of Shego let go of your collar to rest on your neck. You two stood there surrounded by destroyed robots making out kissing each other with passion for 5 minutes before parting.

(Y/n) : wow

Shego : (chuckle) be a good boy to me and a badboy to others and there is more where that came from

(Y/n) : oooh can i have more then now ?

Shego : first lesson (pulls you so close your noses touch) don't ask... just take it

You smirked pulling her in for another make out session knowing you never woukd grow bored of her Shego lips on your and her body in your arms.

Another one shot i wanted to make
There a lack of Shego x male reader (and i mean there is so far i know just one with kim) out there so i made one myself and finally finished it
Its a old show but it wasn't bad... anyway hope you enjoy and show your supprt

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