Chapter 25 - Blood, War & Riverbugs

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I was with the first wave of departures, a part of me recognising Lord Shingen was trying to protect me as much as he could.

There was a 'Victory is Certain' round of sake in the warm dry air, which already heralded another dusty baking day, and before long we were moving out in stages to the sounds of hearty songs and love for the Takeda Clan.

From my position, Shingen was way ahead, a small image at the lead, despite his stature. Lord Yukimura was just a flash of red, and my eyes refused to concentrate on the figure riding at his side. I soon lost myself to the camaraderie around me, as war stories and songs of glory took us ever closer to the front line camp.

By mid-morning I was starting to literally bake in my armour, never has water tasted so sweet, so delicious to me - I will never look at a bottle of mineral water in quite the same way ever again. We made the camp by early evening and I was looked after very well by the rest of the troop, they seemed to have no qualms about my presence, reminding me with dusty grins I had earnt my place fairly amongst them. They were even kind inasmuch this was my first battle, sparing me a lot of the gorey details of their stories.

To be honest it was like sitting on a new fairground ride, heading towards something with no idea what it would actually be like. I replayed movies in my head, but knew actually being surrounded by it would be so different. I had no idea how I would react when it came to facing it. My troop commander bade me goodnight, he had kept me from any duty to allow me to rest, a concession that was not lost on me. I went to check on Jin one last time, and then sought the solace of my rough bedding, hoping to get some sleep.

It didn't seem a second later that a rough hand roused me and I went to fight it off.

"Lady Tamara!" The command at least forced my eyes open. "Lord Shingen requires you immediately, come with me."

"What now for fuck's sake?" I heard myself groan, sleep was beckoning me back, I snuggled back down, it was lovely.



Well, being slapped back to consciousness with that method I had no choice but to obey, not with good grace however, and a large part of me was still longing for sleep.

I followed the retainer through the camp, almost sleepwalking, but when I was ushered into the command tent, the presence of Lord Shingen, four generals, including Yukimura's father, Masayuki, Yukimura and Saizo, it was like ice cold water on my face.

I bowed deeply trying to gather my wits.

"You sent for me My Lord?" Strange how my half asleep side seemed to have better manners, I noted, Lord Shingen had a map before him, and beckoned me over.

"You recognise this terrain, this troop placement?" He asked without looking up. I did, from all the meetings and listening and studying, it was perfectly clear.

"Yes." I said, giving it a glance, "There are several outcrops down this slope here ..." I pointed to the map, "... perfect for concealing small attack forces. The way the ground folds here ..." I pointed again, "...It would be possible to mount an attack if they over extended their front line along the ridge here..." I traced the path with my finger, "... The attack would rise up behind them faster than they could retreat."

Lord Shingen was just staring at me, not the map.

"You see Yukimura?" I told you she was a clever girl." He never took his eyes off me, but I still kept my focus on the map.

"You would need infantry ready here..." I pointed again and he turned to follow the line of my finger, " push the front line back, it might not win the battle, but it would cost them dearly."

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