Chapter 21 - To Kill a Heart

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The next morning I felt drained and cloudy in my mind. After a brief wash I gathered my armour and went straight to the stables, determined to get back some focus.

Ryo put me back in the chest piece and re-set my cloak; I had never ridden in this gear before and hoped to push myself with physical effort to get myself together. As I rode out alone to head for the grounds, I was lost in my thoughts so it took me a while to register the sound of fast moving hoof beats coming up behind me.

"Lady Tamara!!" I turned to see a retainer riding hard to catch me up. I would have been annoyed, but the poor guy sounded frantic.

"Lady Tamara - Stop!!" I reined in as he screeched to a halt beside me.

"Lord Shingen ..." He gasped for air "...Commands you to the Main Hall."

"Commands?" I smiled a deadly smile and the retainer shrank a little, "Does he now?" For a second I was torn between carrying on and turning back. Of course I had to go back, but I wasn't going to hurry.

"Of course." I finally said, "I will be there presently." At my reply the retainer shot off back towards the castle.

I sighed, what was this day going to bring I wonder?

Sadly turning Jin away from our intended workout I began to canter back. As I jogged into the courtyard, Ryo ran out to get Jin from me, whatever was happening had some urgency and at least the short ride had cleared my head a little.

The men in the Hall were split into groups, war teams discussing coming tactics I presumed, and there were more than a few appreciative murmurs as I strode the Hall, I had forgotten I was wearing my new armour. My improved range now gave me direct contact with their conversations, and snippets of comments floated to me as I headed to the dais.

Trying to keep good humour I saw Lord Shingen deep in discussion as he sat on the dais. I approached steadily but he didn't acknowledge my presence and as I reached the edge he was still locked in conversation.

I was in no mood to play games regardless of who he was.

"You sent for me Lord Shingen." I said clearly loud enough to be heard by all in the Hall.

"Wait for me in my chambers." He said without looking up, and casually dismissed me with a flick of his hand.

Most of the Hall felt me bristle as I turned on my heel and strode towards the doors.

My eyes stayed firmly fixed ahead the whole way to his chambers, I felt, well, humiliated. The whole way men treated women here really grated on me sometimes. By the time I arrived however, my temper had given way to hunger, and as I turned the last corner I saw Shinshoni ahead.

"Lady Tamara! Good morning!" She smiled brightly, even though I must have looked like an oncoming storm bearing down on her. My mood melted, I was so grateful to her for the previous night, it was so wonderful to have a female friend here.

We hugged, and I thanked her for her kindness, my eyes getting misty as I did so. "Come," She said, "My father has sent for breakfast for you both, he wishes to speak with you in private."

I realised then he was taking time out of the hundreds of things that must be consuming his attention to make time for me. Now I felt stupid at my haughty arrogant attitude and made a mental note to apologise to him. He had already done so much for me. A random memory of our night together crossed my mind, but I didn't let it stay.

She showed me in just as several staff brought trays of food. "Lord Shingen is just leaving the Main Hall now Lady Tamara." They informed me and I heard them giggling and discussing my attire as they left.

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