Chapter 6 - To Catch a Tiger

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The next few days past in a haze - I was almost kindly cared for by Lord Kenshin himself. Kanetsugu was terse and indifferent. My hands were untied during the day and the gag wasn't used.

I let myself simply exist.

Being taken to relieve myself by men and guarded would normally have felt demeaning and humiliating, but I felt nothing.

The one thing that caught me by surprise one afternoon was Kenshin rebraiding my hair. I ate well and whilst the hours went by focused on working my muscles slowly under the kimono - each ligament, each fibre, slowly, carefully, determined not to waste away from inactivity.

A part of me wanted to reach out my senses, listen, learn, but it would take too much of my internal resources, so I kept myself within. I thought Kenshin or Kanetsugu would interrogate me, and I kept a part of myself ready for it, although I knew too long in that man's eyes would probably break me.

It never happened though.

In the dim half-light of one morning, Kanetsugu roughly shook me awake.

"Time to spring the trap." His face was full of ill humour as he spoke.

Hoisted to my feet, I was bundled out into a large courtyard where I saw Lord Kenshin was already mounted, thoroughly dazzling astride a beautiful white horse, a mare I think. His full armour made him look like some ethereal knight in shining armour, but the expression on his face was deadly.

Lifted into the saddle with hands tied, I realised riding in trainers would be tricky; so I slightly shortened my legs under the kimono to make the stirrups dangle beyond my feet.

"Make sure she can ride securely, we have rough terrain ahead." Kanetsugu barked at a nearby retainer who muttered something under his breath and came over to shorten them for me. My feet found the better length easily; so at least I would have no trouble balancing. I took a quick look around me, this place was as elegant and beautiful as it's Lord, but like him, looked cold in the half-light.

My bound hands were allowed reins, but a retainer held my horse from a lead and another flanked me. Lord Kenshin and Kanetsugu rode ahead and there was a reasonably sized squad of retainers behind, most of them armed with bows and swords.

Just a hand signal started us out of the castle courtyard, and my stomach and head lurched together for a beat whilst the cold bit into me. I clenched my jaw and concentrated on riding. The terrain was truly difficult in places, the sun rose higher and as a group we reached a flat outcrop where Kanetsugu called a halt. Lord Kenshin dismounted and took the lead of my horse.

"So, the stories of you horsemanship are true." He nodded at me, and I noticed several of the now dismounted troop were muttering about the way of going. Although all around me took a break, I was left on the horse, looking out over the landscape. Any other time it would've taken my breath away with its beauty.

But not today.

Not this time.

I said nothing. I hadn't spoken for days.

Kenshin searched my face with his eyes - I didn't try to see what was lurking in his, I just squarely met his gaze with a cold, flat empty stare.

My heart stayed calm and even in my chest.

He went to say something, and then changed his mind, instead tethering my horse and striding away to Kanetsugu who held a cup out to him as he approached. I truly wasn't listening to whatever they said as they looked over to me. I just sighed and turned my attention to my hands and the ropes that bound them.

We seemed to be waiting for something. The sun was warming on my skin and I could feel myself dozing off in its embrace. Just as my eyes were getting heavy I heard a sound off to my right. All around me were instantly on their feet, sharp and alert.

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