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Poke. Poke.



Poke. Poke.


I grab Parker's finger before he can poke me one more time and twist it. Is this his way of getting me back? "If you poke me one more time I swear I will break your finger. Understand?" He nods. "Good." 

Five more minutes till this awful class is over. "Why is pretty boy over there staring at you?" He asks.

 I turn to where Parker is pointing and sure enough Don is watching me. After staring at me for a couple more seconds he turns back around. "No reason." I turn to Parker, who has been annoying me all class. 

"It doesn't look like no reason." Parker answers. 

'No sh!t Sherlock.' I want to say. Instead, I give him my coldest look and ask something else. "Do you not know how to shut up?" 

He smirks "What crawled up your a$s and died?"


The bell rings. 

I just had History, the worst subject school could offer. It's now time for gym, the last subject of the day. I meet up with the Emma, who also has gym with me, after changing into my gym clothes. 

I look around the class and see if I can find anyone else that I recognize, but instead see the people I don't want to see. Oh joy. There stands Adam, Don, Quincy, and Parker. 

Our gym teacher starts taking attendance.








I freeze. I can see Adam watching me carefully, ready to assist me if I need it. All I do is clench my fist. At first it helps; the pain distracts me from the memories, but it doesn't work for long. 

I know my nails left red, crescent shaped marks. Sure enough, when I look at my open hand the marks are there, red contrasting against the whitish pink.

The memories come rolling in and there isn't anything I can do to keep it from happening. Instead, I shut my eyes as tight as I can, my hands fists against my shirt.


I heard my ringtone going off and tiredly picked up my cellphone. My sister's name popped up on the screen. I hesitated for a moment before answering the call.

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