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Adam came back home awhile ago and I still haven't heard from him. There was only the occasional frustrated scream. He'd shower over and over again to find out his hair was still pink. I always laughed every time I heard his frustration. 

That's why, ladies and gentlemen, you never underestimate me.

Yeah, so after a while, Adam finally came out of the shower and came downstairs where I was lounging on the couch with Crystal, my little sister by my side. 

First, I laugh so hard, tears form in my eyes. Adam glares daggers at me while I do so. Then, we have a conversation with our eyes. This is basically how it goes, if you get rid of the cursing, of course:

Anna, I am going to kill you.

I'd like to see you try.

I hate you.

Aw, I love you too.

Adam makes a choking noise, causing Crystal to turn to him. She starts giggling as soon as she sees him. 

I smile at her and poke her nose. "Bubby thought it would be nice to throw me into the pool, so now his hair is pink."

  "Why did it have to be the hair?" Adam whines. 

I shrug. "It was either that or your video games, but I actually like playing them so I chose the hair. Besides, at least I went easy on you. I could've done a lot worse"

Adam shudders, thinking about some of the stuff I've done in the past. I've caused him to have many fears; ever since the tarantula incident he's had a phobia of spiders, for example. 

I swear it's not my fault. How was I supposed to know the stupid spider would bite him on the balls and cause him to go to a hospital for a week?

There was also the clown incident. Once I watched horror movie with Adam the night before his ninth birthday and there was a creepy clown murderer in it. 

The next day I told mom and dad he wanted a surprise visit from the local clown as is birthday present. Let's just say Adam probably should've went to therapy after that. I'm pretty sure he still get's nightmares.

Also another clown incident happened when I dressed as a creepy clown for Halloween when I was 13. I hid behind his shower curtain and scared the crap out of a vampire Adam.

Yeah, I know. I was an evil child. I apparently got it from my aunt from my moms side. She's awesome by the way. Anyways, where was I? Oh, yeah!

Adam shudders, thinking of some of the stuff I've done in the past. "Thank god, you didn't go overboard too much... but I'm still getting you back. You started the war and I intend to end it." He says confidently.

"Bubby, that's mean!" Crystal exclaims with a small pout, completely disregarding the fact that Adam just said I started it, which I didn't by the way. Adam was the one to throw me in the pool.

Adam gapes at Crystal, and fakes hurt. "You are picking her," he points to me. "over me? That really hurts." Adam pouts, which some girls might find cute, but I find it disturbingly ugly. I mean, he's my brother.

Crystal giggles and pokes her tongue out at him. "I love sissy more than you." Adam opens his mouth in a silent scream of horror before fake stabbing himself with air and falling backwards. 

I roll my eyes at his overly dramatic act. Then, I give Crystal a sweet smile and step over Adam, who is still on the floor playing dead. Crystal follows my lead, accidentally stepping on his hand.

Adam winces and gets up. "Ow." He glares at me. "I'm blaming you for this." He says.

I point to myself. "Who? Me?" He nods. "What did I do?" I ask, feigning innocence. 

Adam just gives a look before getting up, brushing imaginary dust off his pants and leaving the room. Not before giving me a warning glare that says 'watch your back'.

I shrug it off. I already know that whatever Adam's going to do won't be as bad as what I'll do to get him back, depending on what he does.

A tug on my hand brings my out of my thoughts. "Sissy, can we do something fun?" Asks Crystal. I smile and nod at her.

"How would you like to make a fort and have a Disney movie marathon?" Crystals eyes brighten as she hears me say this. 

"Just remember, you need to get to bed by nine thirty, okay? We have school tomorrow."


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