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He snorted. "No, I'm your imaginary best friend." 

I rolled my eyes. "Why would I want you as an imaginary friend? Excuse you, I have standards." I said, sassily looking him up and down. 

Adam scowled. "That is probably the saddest excuse of a 'Welcome Home' I've ever heard, teacake."

I smiled cheekily. "Aw, you know I love you." I said, slapping his arm playfully. 

"I love me too." I couldn't help the roll of my eyes at that.

"Welcome back, you arrogant shite." 

Adam smiled at my words and opened his arms wide. "Well? Aren't you going to hug me?" he asked. I raised a brow incredulously. 

"You want me, to hug you?" I asked in disbelief.

Adam pretends to think really hard. "Now that I think about it, I don't want to get your germs all over me." 

I pretended to scowl. "You should have thought about that before you decided to randomly hug me before."

"Okay, let me rephrase that. I don't want to get a case of b!tchiness from you. I heard it's contagious." he said, looking smug after the words. 

I made an overly dramatic offended face and exaggeratedly put a hand on my heart. "That hurt here, it really did. I thought you loved me." I said, faking sadness.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair affectionately. "I missed you, y'know."  

"I missed you too." I replied. "But I'm still not hugging you." 

Adam raised a brow. "Who said you had a choice?" Before I could do anything about it, Adam hugged me tightly. I relaxed and this time, I gave in and hugged him back with a huge smile.

Adam's my older brother. He's the one that gave me my first nickname: Tea cake. Nobody calls me that except for him. We always had a unique relationship when it came to sibling rivalry. Our childhood memories consisted of numerous insults and epic prank wars. I've even videotaped and took pictures of most of the pranks I've done on him.

My mind flashed to three years ago. My parents got a call from Adam's school early while my tutor home schooled me. The principle said that he was suspended for breaking a kid's ribs in a fight and that we were lucky he didn't get expelled or have any charges pressed against him. 

We didn't know what the fight was about because Adam avoided the topic as much as possible. Dad was pretty mad about it and mom just wanted to know the reason for it before taking action but Adam wouldn't talk. Next thing I knew I was dropping him off at an airport to be sent to boarding school.

"EARTH TO ANNA! ARE YOU ALIVE!!!" Adam screamed in my ear, surprising me. Instantly my hands shot out to block out the noise. I ended up accidentally smacking him in the face. "Oof" 

When I realized what I did, I laughed. "Ha! You deserved it. Karma's finally doing her job right."

"Well that's a first." he drawled sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. 

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked. He smirked, amused. 

"With how rude you've been so far, I'm not sure if I should tell you." 

I glared (not-so)playfully "Spill." I said in a demanding voice.

"Mom and dad didn't tell you did they?" He replied, looking thoughtful. All I did was stare at him with confusion written all over my features. He chuckled. "I'm back from boarding school, and I'm going to school with you this year"

"You're kidding. Look, Adam, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but your joke isn't funny." The last thing I wanted was attention dragged onto myself and knowing him, my brother would get us more than just attention.

He smiled his mischievous smile and I knew I wasn't getting what I wanted this time. I sighed. "Goodbye peaceful senior year." I said, faking a sniffle.

"Stop being dramatic. Senior year isn't supposed to be peaceful. You, Anna, are going to be an adult soon and you'll have to face your fears head on. It's better if it's sooner rather than later."

"You know that I hate getting attention dragged onto myself." 

Adam grinned widely. "I also know that you are a scaredy-cat." 

I frowned. "I'm not scared of attention. It just makes me uncomfortable." I said sharply. That sounded way too defensive

Adam rolled his eyes. "Same thing." he said dismissively. I rolled my eyes but choose not to comment.

"The first thing we'll do to get rid of your fear is carpooling. I'm driving you to school or vice versa. Also you have to give me a tour." 

My frown deepened. "But, you already know where everything is! You were there for a couple months before you got your a$$ suspended." I argued.

Adam already had his reply ready. "But I haven't been there for 2 years, so you have to give me a tour" I whined and gave him puppy dog eyes. "No ifs, ands, ors, or buts. I already made up my mind and you'll just have to deal with it, teacake."

I sighed. Looks like there's no getting out of this one. Adam was determined and knowing him, he was as stubborn as a mule and he wouldn't let this go.

"Okay, whatever. Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to come in?"

 Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to come in?"

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