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John's POV

"Is that all, sir?"

"Yeah, yeah, thanks."

"Have a nice day."

"I hope so.."

The shop doors opened and I walked out onto the street.

It hadn't even been a day since Kaylee told me the truth, but it had seemed like years.

It always seemed like years without seeing her face.

Those wide, innocent eyes..


Shaking the thoughts from my head and looping my finger around my shopping bag, I spun around quickly, wondering if I was hearing things.


There it was again.

"Oii! John!"

Shit, my eyes are crap as it is..

Trying my hardest to see with my 'blind-as-a-bat' vision, I could make out a fuzzy form of a short man running towards me.

"Ringo..?" I asked, squinting and leaning forward. "Oh, Ringo. What do you want?"

"Kaylee is-" He started, but I cut him off with a groan.

"I know!"

"You do?" Ringo said, a startled look bestowing his face. "Then why are you standing here? Don't you want her to stay? Aren't you 'in love' with her?"

Stopping short at his words, I turned to face him.

"What are you going on about?" I questioned, tightening my grip on my shopping bag.

"Kaylee," Ringo replied, his blue eyes filling with worry. "She's leaving. For good."

"What?" I yelled, almost dropping my bag.

"I said, she's goi-"

There was no time for statements to be repeated, because before I knew it, my feet were numb from running to fast and the hotel was right in front of me.

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