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Kaylee's POV

Cynthia's hand rested on top of my own, and I felt a shot of panic through my arms.

Please, please, someone get her off.

The words yelled over and over in my mind, but Cynthia sat there, her eyes staring worriedly into mine.

"Kaylee, if you ever need to talk to me, I'll be here. So'll Pattie. We're the only hope for these boys and each other, okay?"

I nodded softly, and Cynthia released her hands, a content smile upon her face.

How could this happen?

How could I let myself get friendly with a woman I'm supposed to hate?

Quickly, I snuck a glance at John to find he was sitting rigidly, as though he'd seen a ghost, his dark eyes standing out against his pale face.

He seemed to have noticed me looking at him, so he returned the stare, and I almost heard the words he seemed to be saying telepathically:

Stay away from Cynthia.

I'm trying! I wanted to shout, but I knew it would be useless. Maybe if she wasn't so damn likable, this wouldn't be a problem!

I hastily tore my gaze away from the stupid boy and caught Pattie's eye, her eyebrows raised in a questioning way as she looked me over.

Giving her a pained look, which must've seemed like an 'I'll tell you later' expression, I began to gaze out the window at the darkening sky, hoping this agonising ride would be over soon.


Not much /.\

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