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John's POV

It took a while.

After the painful and horrifying sounds Kaylee was making, which made me feel sick and faintly, there came the most magical sound I'd ever heard.

A baby's cry.

That may sound a bit funny, but it was.. amazing.

The sound of my heart beat mixed in with the sounds of that one noise, and I found myself tempted to snatch the little thing from wherever it was and sooth it, take away it's pain.

"My baby.." Kaylee mumbled, her eyes now closing. "Give me my.. my baby.."

The doctor snipped the umbilical cord, George and Ringo now by the window, looking green, and passed the baby into Kaylee's tired arms, which were being gripped by Paul and I.

I let go, as did Paul, and Kaylee grabbed her baby - our baby - and cradled it until the crying stopped.

Transfixed, I gazed down at the bloody thing, it's eyes squeezed shut and it's once wide mouth now closed, seeming as though he were asleep.

The doctor did a few more things to her.. down under.. and finally, he left, taking Paul, George and Ringo with him.

"Paul!" Kaylee cried out, but he kept walking, refusing to turn his head our way, until the room was empty, leaving Kaylee, a nurse, the baby and I.

"Don't let him upset you," I urged, but when I looked at Kaylee, she already had tears in her eyes.

Startled, I sat down on her bed and reached my arm around to comfort her, but she merely laughed, making the baby whimper at the sound.

"I'm so.. so.." She managed to choke out, but burst into more tears, taking a finger and gently stroking our baby's cheek. "Isn't he gorgeous?"

I looked down at him, and felt something warm and bright burst inside of me.

This was my child.

Before I could copy Kaylee's actions and touch my child, the nurse gently lifted the baby and took it over to a tub of water she'd prepared, while the baby wailed in her arms.

I felt an ache at the sound, but knew what the nurse was doing was correct.

Kaylee's mouth was open, and I could see the fire in her eyes, ready to strike out and snatch her child back, but I grabbed her hand and held it tightly in my own.

"I love you." I whispered, and her blue, dark blue, eyes softened.

I knew what I was saying wasn't just a high, just a twist of words from this exciting moment.

I loved her.

I always had.

I just needed her to say it back.

"I love you too," Was what she responded with, and by the way she said it, not just with her mouth, but her eyes, I knew she meant it. "I don't know why you ever thought I didn't."

"Me neither."



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