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Paul's POV

It had been a day since I had that 'fight' with John, and he still wouldn't talk to me.

Smoking a cigarette outside the studio below the setting sun, I let myself think about Kaylee.

The other day, I had thought about calling her, but couldn't bring myself to.

She'd seemed fine after what John had said to her, and didn't talk about it much, but she did look over at him whenever he was around.

Exhaling the smoke, I heard the studio door open, then close and John appeared, sighing, leaning against the door under the purple sky, his eyes closed.

"John?" I asked, almost dropping my cigarette.

John's eyes snapped open and he turned his head towards me.

Groaning, he pushed himself up and was about to open the door and go back inside, when I held it, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm not angry at you anymore, John." I sighed, watching him relax.

"What's wrong then?" He asked, turning from the door handle and intercepting my cigarette, taking a slow drag.

"I just want to ask why you've been so.. so sketchy around Kaylee?"

Yesterday, although I hadn't been talking to John, except when filming, he avoided Kaylee - constantly.

John breathed out the smoke, shaking his head.

"I don't know, just- Do we have to talk about this? She's a girl."

I shrugged and accepted the smoke back from John, smiling.

Maybe we could forget about it - Maybe Kaylee could forget the whole banter and grow to befriend John.

As though nothing bad could happen, the door opened again, letting out another main character in my life at the moment.

I watched John tense up and begin to push himself off the wall to walk away as Kaylee stepped out of the studio.

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