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John's POV

The quietness of the recording studio was ridiculous.

My fingers twisted the tuning knobs on my guitar head repeatedly as I stared into space, my mind silent for once.

I had let myself sub-consciously gaze at the others, but they seemed to all be doing the same.

My mind quickly faded from the silence of my friends and to the only girl I'd thought about for the past week..

"I thought of a song! I'll be back!"

We all snapped up our heads as we watched Paul jump up and run out of the room, his bass flung onto his seat.

Frowning, I shrugged and tried strumming my guitar strings, hoping a rhythm would pop into my head, but to no avail, I was blank.

Mindlessly, I continued to strum along, but I could feel a pair of eyes burning into the top of my head and I looked up to see George staring at me, but quickly look away.

"What's up, George?" I asked, my fingers stopping on the guitar neck..

"N-nothing.." He replied, flicking the strings of his own guitar. "Uhm, why?"

"I dunno.." I sighed, closing my eyes to breathe in deeply. "Say, I'm going to go check on Paul and then head to the shops.. This is boring."

George and Ringo nodded as I placed my guitar on my chair and walked out of the studio, wondering where Paul had scampered off to.

Maybe if I find him and see he was okay, I could probably go find Kaylee and straighten everything out; tell her we could be together.

It had been quite a cold day and my hands shivered as I walked down the isolated corridors.

We had been stuck in this 'Hollywood Recording Studio' for weeks now, only going to our hotels for night, while in the daylight we were writing songs, recording and filming, writing songs, recording and filming etc.

It had all become one huge routine and the boys and I had memorised each and every room in this damned place.

Soon enough, I turned a corner and found mine and the boys' own dressing room, the door slightly ajar.

"Paulie.." I whispered underneath my breath as I pushed open the door open further, my eyebrows raised. "Where did ya g-"

I stopped, frozen in the doorway, only to have my sight fallen upon Paul and Kaylee embracing in the middle of the room.

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