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*Heart breaks while writing this*

Kaylee's POV

I sat inside the dressing room, my head replaying my conversation with George over and over..

If he told John that the baby is his, I'm not going to hesitate in murdering him.

I looked over at the small budgeted mirror to my left and grimaced at my reflection.

Wasn't I supposed to be glowing?

All pregnant women do.

But, I guess their husbands are around to give them a reason to shine.

"Hello hello!" Someone sang, pushing open the door to the dressing room, making me spin around in my chair.

"Oh, hey Pete." I greeted the manager, half disappointed, half relieved. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing sweetheart," Pete replied, smiling. he'd taken to me quite warmly, but then again, Pete takes to everyone. "Just here to check Led Zeppelin's tour date's again."

I watched casually as Pete wandered over to the chest of drawer, glancing down at the rummaged papers, a frown upon his face.

"Didn't we have 5..?" He started, but shook his head. "I must be getting paranoid. See you later, honey!"

Pete's feet spun around and moved towards the door, but I thought back to Jimmy and why he hadn't come back to check up on me.

"Hey, Pete!" I called, making him turn to face me. "Where's the band?"

Pete's eyes moved away from mine and he raised a hand to scratch his nose; I turned suspicious.

"They're, uhm, with The Stone's in their dressing room, doll." Pete replied, rather hastily. "Talking things over - look, I wouldn't interrupt them if I were you. Pressuring and important business tours are."

"Isn't it your job to sort that out?" I asked, confused, my eyes narrowing. "Pete, what's going on? Where's Jimmy?"

"Sweetie, I don't know. He's a rockstar, how should I know?"

My heart started to hammer at the possibilities of where my boyfriend - my only friend (excluding pretentious George), would be.

Without me.

I swung into action at the sound of Pete closing the door, and I jumped up and dashed towards it, forgetting my physical condition.

Where could Jimmy be?


Mick's POV

I watched Jimmy from across the room, smirking as he allowed the blonde teenager to sit across his lap and run her fingers through his hair.

She was muttering something in his ear, making him smile, and she finally began to kiss him.

"Who's he?" Came a shrill voice, and I turned to face Pamela des Barres, a groupie who tagged along to every concert and gig. "Haven't seen him before. Wish I did."

"Jimmy Page," I replied, as Pamela began to lose interest, watching as the other blonde let Jimmy intensify his affection. "They're not going to have sex here, are they?"

"Pssh," Pamela laughed, smiling at me. "It's Susan, who knows?"

It might work better if they did, I thought.

See, I knew Kaylee would grow suspicious if Jimmy didn't go back to the dressing room to see her and that she would go snooping, and if she saw Jimmy hooking up with another girl, she'll desert him brokenhearted.

Clear road for John, eh?

"Oh great," Keith called from across the room, seeming to have noticed Susan and Jimmy making out, the groupie taking off Jimmy's shirt. "Get a fucking room!"

Suddenly, the door to the room burst open and there she stood, wide eyed and startled.

"Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you- Jimmy?"

His name awakened him from his event and the bushy haired guitarist pulled away from the blonde strewn across his lap.

"For fucks sake." Was all she choked out, before she dashed from the door, leaving the boy shocked.

"Wait- Kaylee!" He shouted, pushing the girl rather roughly from his lap, suddenly sobering up. "Kaylee! Please- It's not my fault!"

But shout as much as he pleases, I knew that girl would be stubborn.

Don't ask me, I mean, hadn't I proved myself enough to make you believe that my instincts were always correct?

"What's happening with them?" Pamela asked, bewildered.

"I'm pretty sure they're done for." I answered, watching her eyebrows raise, getting ready to fire more questions.

"Oh, don't worry." I stated, before grabbing her waist and pulling her onto my lap, attacking her with kisses.

It was true.

I knew things were done between Kaylee and Jimmy.

Don't worry, you don't need to thank me.

But really, this was only half of my master plan.



I actually liked them together, but they couldn't be, IM SORRY!

Hahahahahahahahahahha next chapter is sooo good.

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