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John's POV

It was the morning after the party, and I'd awoken with the sun stinging into my eyes.

Sitting up, I turned to see a figure perched on the edge of the bed, gazing at me kindly.

I watched Kate's blonde hair fall in front of her brown eyes, smiling up at me.

I smiled half-heartedly back as she leant in for kiss, but I stayed put.

"What's wrong?" She asked, pulling back.

"Nothing, nothing." I replied, hopefully convincing her.

Kate's dark brown eyes gazed into mine, making me think, not for the first time, about Kaylee's eyes.

Kaylee's dark, sky blue eyes, rimmed with those long eyelashes.

But whenever I looked into her eyes, there was never one emotion looking back.

It was alway's a confused jumble, unlike Kate's which was filled with lustful love.

Maybe that's why I loved her, her stubbornness not to let anyone seer how she felt, a social survival.

"There is something wrong.." Kate mumbled, sitting back to look at me. "Isn't there, John."

I shrugged and rubbed my eyes, yawning.

"I think I should go," She muttered, getting off of my bed. "Home, I guess.."

I nodded and watched her grab her handbag, glancing back at me as she walked out my door, leaving me to wonder when she would be back.

What's the point?

She wasn't what I wanted.

She wasn't half as good as Kaylee.

She wasn't willing to let me touch her, unlike Kate, who came across with a life devotion to sex.

It's all about the chase, isn't it?

Sliding off of my bed, I walked to my window and ripped open the curtains, the morning sun blinding my eyes.

God, it's bad enough not wearing my glasses.

Turning my back to the window, I let myself think back to the last time I saw Kaylee, and shuddered.

Dancing with George, that's it.

I had watched Kaylee and George dance, my envy becoming so bad I had picked out Kate to return the favour, hoping to make her equally jealous.

Why did she do this to me?

Why did I want her so bad?

Yeah, I had treated her badly, but I had tried to make it up to her.

But to no avail, it hadn't worked.

It seems like the only person I want, is the only person that doesn't seem to let me get to them easily..

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