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John's POV

I opened the front door of mine and Cynthia's home, my head entirely somewhere else.

I am going to be a dad.

I'm having a baby, a baby boy.

I have something to look forward to.

I have actually created a human being.

But what can I do about it?

It's not like I can just take up the role of father while everyone believes it's Jimmy's, can I?

Walking into my bedroom, my heart now sinking deep into the floor, I stopped dead in my tracks.

"C- Cynthia!" I exclaimed, hurrying towards the blonde perched on the edge of the bed, her arms folded. "I couldn't make it home the other night, I'm so sorry-"

"Save it, John."

I pulled up short as Cynthia turned away from me, her eyes closing in anger.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried. "Sweetie, I-"

"Pattie called me this morning," Cyn continued, turning her face back to mine, tears shining brightly. "You were with Kaylee at the doctor's. Getting an ultra-sound on her baby."

Startled, I felt a spasm of anger for George's girlfriend. Why would she do that?

"But, we were all there!" I argued, my voice rising. "Not just me! It's called support, Cynthia, look it up!"

"She told me about you two!"

Okay, now I didn't have a counter argument for that.

I felt my mouth gape open, and when I didn't reply, I knew it represented my answer.

Cynthia's hands flew to her mouth and she gasped, her face dropping in disbelief.

"Oh my God, John," She exclaimed, staring up at me with her wide, dark brown eyes. "You dated Kaylee and you never told me?"

A whole weight fell off my shoulders as I realised she still hadn't a clue who the baby's father was, but it wouldn't be long before she put two and two together.

But maybe not, since the other's hadn't managed to lately.

"Yes, okay?" I yelled, raising my arms in defence as Cynthia stood up, glaring at me, close to tears. "I don't see the big freakin' deal!"

"Oh, you don't, do you?" Cyn shrieked back, and I felt myself cower, her usually tiny voice now a wailing shriek. "And you didn't even have the decency to tell me the baby is yours."


"H- how did you find out?" I croaked, my feet glued to the floor as Cynthia retched open the closet, pulling out a flimsy bag and begin to stuff clothes inside it.

"Pattie's always been good to me," She choked out, and I saw tears streak down her cheeks as she continued to throw clothes into her bag. "I can't even look at you anymore."

I felt my heart shrink down to a

chestnut, my stomach twisting in on itself.

It was nowhere near as painful when Kaylee left me, leaving me with nothing but a note, but seeing Cynthia get ready to leave in a flurry of tears, I knew I couldn't just stand there.

"Wait!" I cried, as the body of my girlfriend raced towards the door, and I grabbed her hand, pulling her back. "Cyn, wait! I didn't even know until the party-"

As Cynthia spun around, her hand flew out and hit me across the face, making me let go of her hand in surprise.

"Well, congratulations," She spat, her voice like venom. "Neither did I."

The sound of the door slamming shut echoed loudly in my ears and I brought one hand up to my face, cradling my cheek where Cynthia's hand had hit.

Standing there, I knew this was what I deserved.

No one can love two people at the same time, and this was the punishment for trying.

I carried my heavy legs over to the living room I'd once shared with Cynthia Powell, and I sat down, tears not even bothering to make an appearance.

What now?

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