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Kaylee's POV

After those hurtful words, after I had bumped into him, I willed myself to never to speak to John again.

He was a fucking dick.

Biting my lip, hoping tears wouldn't spill, I walked quickly through the canteen and to the next hallway, until I found the bathroom.

Rushing into a stall, I sat down on top of a toilet lid and let one tear slip.

Was I crying over John?

Why can't I be like him and pretend I didn't care about anyone?

Who was I kidding? Why would I want to be like him?

I traveled back in time and ended up here?

Of course there would be millions of people dying to be where I am, with The Beatles, but this- this isn't worth it.

Get ahold of yourself, you don't love John anyway.. Do you?

Holding in my tears, I pushed open the stall and walked out of the bathroom, determined to get this messed up situation sorted.

Taking one step outside, I ran into Pattie, one of the nicer model/actors I worked with, whom I'd grown fond of.

"Oh, sorry!" She exclaimed, stepping back.

"No, it was me," I replied, balancing myself again, when an idea struck. "Would you happen to know where John went?"

Pattie frowned slightly, her wide eyes confused.

"I thought you didn't like John?" She innocently asked, tilting her head.

"Yeah, but I need to talk to him.." I muttered, hoping I wouldn't come across as suspicious.

"Well," Pattie answered, turning and pointing down the hallway opposite to the canteen. "They sometimes hang around in there. You can check if you like."

I nodded her a thanks and headed off.

It wasn't long until I found a door with a star on it, no letters, but I was sure it was the boys' dressing room.

Opening it a slither, I saw John facing the three boys, his hands fidgeting.

Suddenly, the whole room's atmosphere dropped, sending a feeling of intensity throughout everyones bodies.

I felt as if everything was in slow motion as I heard John say something that turned me into a statue:

"I'm such a dickhead to her," He muttered, his voice loud and clear, although his back was towards me. "And I think.. Think I'm in love with her."

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