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John's POV

Running my hand through my messy, un-trimmed hair, as I breathed out deeply in frustration.

How could I have let this happen?

My steps echoed down the hallway of the boys and mine's hotel.

Reaching a small display table, I kicked one of the legs in anger.

"HOW." I yelled, more to myself than anyone.

How. How could I have messed this up.

I've always asked their age before.

But her beauty must have wiped everything from my mind.

Furious at myself and how jumbled things were, I mustn't have seen where I was walking before it was too late.

"Woah!" I exclaimed before I tumbled onto the floor, my feet having tripped over anothers.

"John!" Came a familiar voice as I lay on the ground. "Here, lemme get you up."

Rolling onto my back, I accepted a hand and was lifted back onto my feet, getting a clear look of what appeared to be Paul.

"Where have you been?" He asked, his impish mouth twisted into a serious frown, his eyes worried. "And where's Kaylee?"

"None of your business." I growled, my temper going through the roof.

"Yes, it bloody well is." Paul returned, standing his ground and folding his arms. "What have you done with her. I swear, John, if you hurt he-"

"Won't everyone just leave me alone?" I yelled, ready to pull my hair out. "Whenever something happens everyone thinks it's my fucking fault!"

Paul's eyes narrowed, but the panic shone through.

"What's happened this time..?" He asked, now genuinely worried, his feet shifting. "Are you saying that's she's done something?"

Again, a hand ran through my hair and I could feel my wrists shaking.

"More like something she never told me.." I muttered, clearing my throat. "Paul, she's a fucking kid,"

Confused, Paul stood there, his eyes wide and his eyebrows raised.

"What?" He asked, shaking his head. "What do you mean?"

"She's 15, Paul." I repeated, the number making my stomach flip. "I'm in love with a freaking teenager!"

As though the mention of 'love' made the gears in McCartney's head work, his eyes widened beyond measure and he blinked quickly before he jumped on the spot and took off down the hallway.

Now I'm all alone in this fucked up situation.

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