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Kaylee's POV

I almost changed my mind as soon as I stepped inside.

It was packed with people, but I could spot John easily, sitting at a table with Paul and Ringo.

Waving, I smiled at them, leaving out John.

I could feel his eyes boring into me, watching and waiting.

Once again, my heart began to race and I wondered if I should go through with this.

I mean, John wasn't that bad.

What am I thinking?

He made me cry, for Christ's sake.

He made me feel awful about myself and hated me, pretended to hate me, for no reason.

But in the end, hopefully we will look back and laugh at this.

Because right now, ultimate jealously is about to kick in.


The party had just started, the music louder and the lights turned down.

Although everyone was dancing when George and I arrived, drinks had only just been handed out and men and women alike were now becoming intoxicated.

I took another look at the table to see if John was still there, and sure enough, he was.

Paul caught my eye and gave me a forced smile, knowing he was about to watch me and George dance together.

He quickly looked away, as though he couldn't bear to see me with another person, his fingers knotting together.

I couldn't do this to Paul.

He was always so good to me, so gentlemanly and perfect.

I even believed he loved me, at one point.

But this is different.

This time, I knew where I stood.

I had felt something for Paul, but it wasn't love.

Sure, Paul's an amazing person and any girl would be lucky to have him, but I just didn't feel that specific way.

Sighing, my thought's were ripped back to the plan and I wondered once again why I was doing this.

Did I really only want to do this to make John jealous.

Of course not, I thought, You know there's something more to it than that.

Mentally shaking my head, I screamed internally.

You do not love John, you want to make him suffer.

This has to work.

The loud rock music of Chuck Berry made my hips swing, rather than jump around, like it did to everyone around me.

"Grab my hips!" I whispered loudly to George, as he looked down at me, his crooked teeth showing in his smile.

Obviously a bit tipsy, his eyes glided over my body as well, his smile only broadening as he gathered what I said.

His long, skilled fingers found and caressed my waist as the music played loudly and I jumped slightly as his hands were cold from the drinks he had been holding.

Throwing my arms around George's neck, I peeked over at John, who was hunched over his table, glaring straight at George and I.

The sheer thought of John somehow feeling jealous that he wasn't holding me made me tingle inside.

I never knew I could have this kind of effect on someone.

"It's working!" I shouted into George's ear, and he nodded, winking at me.

He was having too much fun to care about the plan anymore.

He was happy enough to have a girl he could take his sexual frustration out on.

I was a substitute for Pattie; at least that's what his fuzzy mind was telling him at the moment.

He wasn't going to miss a beat, and I was glad.

Stepping up the game, I moved closer into George's embrace and took another quick glimpse at John.

I almost burst out laughing at how effective that simply move was.

Before I could continue, John stood up from his table, abandoning a miserable Paul, and grabbed a random girls hand, twisting her around and began to slow dance with her, completely out of tune to the fast music.

He was showing off; proving me wrong and that he didn't care.

I felt anger boiling in my stomach.

Looking away from John and the blonde he'd chosen, I quickly put my hand over my mouth and pretended to kiss George, who at first looked surprised.

I felt John's eyes burn into my back, and that was when I knew I had gone too far in his eyes, but it was all worth it.

After what he had made me feel about myself, it was worth everything.

I was not going to let him win.

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