Chapter 36- Chewbacca say whaaa?

Start from the beginning

Why the heck does it feel like it's forced? I am happy for him. And that's all that matters. It's probably because yesterday's events are still on my mind.

"Now wake everyone up. We're stopping to eat. I am starving." He said.

"Get up." I said nudging her in the ribs.

"5 more minutesss." She mumbled, snuggling closer to me. My heartbeat quickened slightly.

The fuck? Probably the heat or something.

"Get up your lazy ass up and stop drooling over me, Nerd. We're stopping to eat." I said sternly.

She got up with a jolt, immediately straightened ponytail and put her hand to her mouth to check for drool. She frowned when she felt nothing. She opened her mouth to say something but I had already banged the door shut on her face, and was laughing at her shocked face silently.

I walked ahead as I heard the other door bang shut. Everybody else was already out.

She came from behind me, shoving me. She turned, stuck out her tongue at me, and walked ahead.

See? Different.

We went inside the Waffle House. Apparently, both Leo and Chris were hungry as they had not had any breakfast. They both ordered their breakfasts while the two girls walked off to go to the restrooms or something.

After a quick breakfast, which included the two of them wolfing down a whole lot of waffles in record time, we were on our way. The beach was now just 20 minutes away. The two wanted to have breakfast way before hitting the water or else, as Leo, the stupid boy puts it,"We will get a tummy boo boo."

"We are here! We are here!" Exclaimed Kiara from the front, jumping up and down.

"Finally! Chris, my man, you drive like a fucking turtle." Leo exclaimed, scrambling out of the car. That is sort of true. Chris drives slower then the rest of us. His speed is considered normal.

" could be that you guys drive like you are trying to race the fucking Flash." He replied sarcastically, getting out of the car and locking it. He threw the car keys to me, which I caught with my bandaged hand.

The girls were already walking up ahead, talking animatedly. Well, Kiara talking and the Nerd nodding.

The beach seems great. Long stretches of sand, crystal blue waters and a never-ending horizon.

Its a good day for a visit to the beach.

At that very moment the second car came. It brought along Archer, Ian and the other 3 girls from Nerd's friend circle. The rest of our class was either already here or must be coming.

"Hey man." Arch said, coming over and greeting me.

"Hey. Good drive?" I asked, putting my phone in my pocket.

"Fine. The girls are cool you know. I like Astrid. The feisty one. Damn, she's hot." He smirked.

I chuckled and patted his back, before we walked towards the beach. The girls had already disappeared off to change into their swimsuits and had left Chris as a guard near the big beach umbrella we bought. He was waiting for us. Seems that Leo had already gone off to change too.

Arch and Ian greeted Chris and after Leo came back, we went and changed into our swim trunks.

When we finally came back, we saw that the girls still weren't back though many of our classmates had arrived. I can't see the girls from here but I could see them reach us, with multicolour hats and multiple sunscreen bottles near the beach umbrella.

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