Harry would soon smile before sending her a simple wink to her, causing her to quickly turn around

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Harry would soon smile before sending her a simple wink to her, causing her to quickly turn around. Looking at her friends as neither of them saw it, as she thought.

"Let's just go to the library. We might find a new book to read."

Liam said as Niall raise an eyebrow at him. Perrie agreed as she grab Demi's hand before walking off with her. The boys would shortly follow as Niall ask if everything was alright.

"Yeah everything fine. Nothing to worry about."

Liam said as he turn his head to look back at his English teacher, he thought he could trust. 


The bell soon rang for the release to lunch. Demi collected her things as she close her notebook. Putting things away as she zip up her backpack. Getting up from her chair as she made her way out of class not before saying goodbye to the teacher. Making her way through the hallway as the loud notice came from the cafeteria. Walking into a closes line as she started to play with her phone. A voice next to her cause her to look up.


She was greeted with kind hazel eyes and a warm smile.

"I already got lunch for you. Come on, they are waiting on us."

Demi got out of line as she tried to grab the lunch tray, but Liam didn't let her. She look up at him as she raise an eyebrow at him.

"You're so sweet to me. I started noticing more not that long ago. Do you do this to every one of your female friends? "

Liam look at her as he only shook his head.

"No because none of them gave been as sweet as you have. I mean Perrie is nice to me but we do have that brotherly sisterly vibe. We always fight about the smallest things."

By the time they got to the table Niall and Perrie were already eating. Liam place down the tray in front of Perrie, as he took a seat in front of Niall. Demi sat down in her regular spot as they start to talk about many different topics.
Demi push her hair back out of her face as she turn around. There he was again those eyes that she could find anywhere. He was talking to his coworkers but he was facing in her direction. She knew she had felt something but didn't know what it was until now. Getting up as they all look at her.

"I'm going to go get a water. I'll be right back."

Making her way to the opposite side of where Harry was standing. She could still feel his eyes burning her skin. Making a quick turn as she could see a few kids talking around the vending machine. Taking out a dollar from her phone as she walk up to get water bottle machine. Placing the dollar as she press the first button. Hearing the machine read the money and drop the water but not before hearing that made her go pale.

"Isn't she the one he was staring at in the morning? "

Demi quickly grab her bottle as she walk away heading back to the table. Butterflies were flying in her stomach like crazy. Knowing that staying after school isn't a good idea anymore, as people were staring to notice. Opening the bottle as she took a drink feeling refresh. Licking her lips as she sat down on her spot, not knowing he was looking. She kept on talking to her friends as they rang the bell to realise them. Everybody started to head to their sixth period class. Walking with Liam as their class were close by to each other. Liam was telling her a joke as he wanted to hear her laugh again. Hearing her laugh always created goosebumps in his skin. Once they got to Demi's class they hug goodbye. Liam could always fool himself believing that she was his for a quick second.

They were soon standing in front of Mr.Styles's classroom. Demi was feeling nervous as she didn't feel like staying after school day. Entering the classroom as she took her seat next to Liam. Looking at each other as they smile. Harry was looking at his new seating chart he created the other day. Hearing the tardy bell as he close his door.

"Alright class, even though it's been a while since I started. Also including  most teachers create this within the first two weeks of school. I wanted to know my student and notice who they work best with. Which means that I created a seating chart by who are the best and not so great in class. I'm putting people next to somebody that could help them out. So grab all your things and come to the front of the class."

Everybody did as told as Demi felt nervous about this new seating chart. Knowing that he would put Liam away from her as far as possible. Soon it was only her standing in front of the class with one desk empty. That desk was right next to Harry's desk.

"And this one is your seat Demetria."

He said to her with a gentle voice. Demi made her way as she look to her right in the back of the classroom. Liam was sitting down in a spot he wasn't use to. For every class he sat in was always in the front. He wasn't smiling and was playing with his pencil. Demi look down at the ground with a serious face.

"Alright let's get started with the lesson. "

Harry said as he clap his hands together. Going to his desk as he grab a stack of papers. Handing it out to every student. He soon let them work on the paper as he took a seat in his chair. He started grading papers from his other classes. Minutes quickly pass by as the finale bell of the day rang. He look up from his papers as everybody starting packing. Soon the first student left after turning in his paper walking out the door. Not even a second after another kid follow and another. What caught his eye was the one student that always stay after class with him. It send his head upwards to look at her.


Demi stop in her tracks as she was in the middle of walking out the door. Looking forward to Liam who was waiting on her. Taking a deep breath as she turn her head to Harry.

"Yes Mr.Styles? "

Placing his pen on his desk, he look at her with caring eyes.

"I would like to talk to you. Stay for a few minutes, 10 at least. "

Demi bit her bottom lip as she look at Liam. He had a concern facial expression. Taking a step forward reaching out for her hand. Demi look at his hand before her eyes went back to Harry. Placing some hair behind her hair as she turn to speak to Liam.

"I'll be outside in a few minutes. "

Liam having a bad feeling in his stomach as he drop his hand. Placing it inside his pockets and he walk down the hall. Demi watch him leave as butterflies flew rapidly in her stomach. Holding her breath as she could feel his breath on the back of her neck, sending an unfamiliar shiver down her spin. Turning around to face him as he close the door behind her, before putting the lock.

(It's about to go down)
:) ;)

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