Chapter 27-Attention!!

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ooooo i changed the cover😯😯

James POV

After we managed to contain Sirius from killing Bella, he looked in a mirror and being the arrogant pig that he is, decided he looked good and hasn't taken it out. Bella and Sirius still seem to hate each other, but I'm trying to figure out who it is that he loves. He couldn't describe love that accurately without knowing. "James!" Lily calls from the stairs. I run down from my dormitory to see her waiting at the portrait door hole. "Come on, it's time for lunch." I sweep her up and she squeals, and started pounding my back. "James! Put me down right now." She says, her hair flying over her face. I jog down to the Great Hall, with Lily still over my shoulder, kicking and squealing. I start to walk over to the Heads Table but McGonagall spots us and hurries over, her robes billowing and straightening her glasses. She pursed her lips at the sight of us. "Mr. Potter, please release Miss Evans. Now, preferably." Lily hops down and fixes her hair and robes. "Thank you, Professer." "Don't forget, you're patrolling the library tonight. 6-12. " McGonagall says, walking away. We head to the Heads Table and sit down. Lily glances down at her plate and waits for the food to appear like it usually does. She grabs my hand and checks the time using my watch. "12:35. Doesn't the food appear on 12:30 on the dot?" She says, confused. I look around the Great Hall and see similar confusion. Dumbledore steps up to the podium and everyone falls silent. "The kitchens have decided to try a new method of cooking. Simply tell your plate what you would like to eat, and it shall appear. Happy eating." He steps down, and the Hall is filled with commands to their plates. 

I see a grilled cheese and tomato soup appear on Lily's plate, mashed potatoes and turkey on Wormtail's, a turkey and hummus sandwich with pretzels on Bella's plate, a steak with string beans on Moony's, a  giant bowl of chicken wings on Padfoot's plate and -- SHOOT! PADFOOT AND MOONY! I sprint down to their seats and Sirius looks at me in alarm with hot sauce all over his face, then confusion, and then realization. He wipes off his face and steps over the bench. He then taps Moony on the shoulder  who sighs, places his napkin beside his plate and stands up slowly. "I was hoping you would forget." He sighs. Peter smirks. Moony says"Excuse me! Excuse me, everyone-" Peter cuts him off  "Okay, uh hum, YO!" The Hall falls silent and everyone looks at us. Lily looks confused, Peter looks smug, Moony looks nervous, Sirius looks excited AND nervous, and Bella looks amused. "My friends have something to say." 

I glance back at Lily, suddenly nervous. It's only then I notice Emma, Julia, and Sasha, standing in the nearby portrait. 'You got this.' they all mouth. I take a deep breath and stand up on the table. Sirius and Remus follow. Remus looks really uncomfortable. "As you all know, the Ball is coming up in a few days." I start, and slowly the confidence starts to come back. "My friends and I here, have a few questions to ask a few certain young ladies. Would Lily Evans, Mary MacDonald, and Bellatrix I-dont-know-your-last-name-but-not-Black ("It's Bella! Just Bella!" she shouts ) please stand up?"  They all stand up nervously, Bella still fuming a tad from the mispronunciation of her name.

"I'll go first." Remus whispers. Me and Sirius hop down and stand next to the line of nervous girls. By now the whole hall is holding their breath and leaning in from anticipation, the food forgotten. "Uh, Mary, if you would like to, I mean, I would like you to, but you don't have to, its just-" He cuts himself off and exhales loudly, looking Mary in the eye, says "Would you go to the Ball with me?" The whole hall erupts in whispers and Remus sighs, pleading with his eyes at Mary, who's staring at the floor. She looks up and steps on the bench so she's still shorter than him but not so low to the ground. Mary grabs his hands and says with obvious sincerity in her voice and eyes"I would be honored!" He smiles wide, and jumps down to the floor, hugging Mary.

I jump up and pull out a bouquet of Lilys. She gasps. "Lily Marie Evans. You're beautiful, you're smart, you make my heart race, and I'm in love with you. I want to go to the Ball with you. I've been dreaming about this since 3rd year, and everyone's probably had bets on this since they were young enough to gamble.-" She jumps up and silences me with a kiss. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her back. She breaks it off and our foreheads touch. "If I say yes, will you shut up?" She says quietly, laughing. "Probably not." She kisses me again and 1 of my arms is wrapped around her and the other is pumped in a fist in the air. Padfoot laughs. "Enough you 2, my turn."

Sirius hops up and pulls out a single white rose. "When I first saw you, I thought I was dreaming. Now I know you aren't a dream, and I would like to ask you something. Bellatrix, would you go to the Ball with me?" Everyone in the entire hall gasps except the rest of the Marauders. We already had this reaction last night. She turns pale. I start to get nervous, because it's taking her a long time to answer. Padfoot starts to lose some of his confidence, and is staring nervously. He hops down and takes her hands, looking at her with concern. "Are you alright?" He says quietly. She looks up and I'm surprised to see tears in her eyes. And then, she faints.

"Great," I mumble. Remus manages to distract the rest of the hall, and we run out with Bella in his arms. Once she's settled in a bed with Sirius by her side, Lily pulls me out and runs to a nearby classroom. She shuts the door and kisses me. "Thank you for doing that Jam-" She stops and looks over my shoulder. There's a single mirror, a fancy one. "Mirror of Erised." I read. Huh. Wonder what that is. Lily looks like she's about to say something, but stops herself. She moves to stand in front of the mirror so I stand with her.

"What do you see?"

"What do you mean, what do I see? I see us, we're standing in a mirror."

"That's not a normal mirror, James."

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