Chapter 6- I'm Scared.

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I grinned at him. 

Or rather, grinned up at him because even though I'm not short at 5'7, he's a giant at 6'4. I suddenly stop short, at fear of what the world will think if we walk into the Great Hall holding hands. James stops as well, and his face softens at the sight of me. "Lily, we don't have to do this. Tell everyone just yet." 

"No we should. It's been 2 weeks already, and trust me when I say they were some of the best 2 weeks of my life. Just, what if they hurt you? Because I'm a Mudblood, and they target me by hurting my loved ones and-" 

"Don't ever call yourself that Lils." He wraps me up into a hug and runs his hands through his messy black hair. "I'll never let them hurt you, love. I've only just gotten my Lily after 7 years, you're not getting away from me that easy." He whispers. I feel myself sink into him. 

"Why? Why me? I'm just me." I ask. His finger touches my jaw and he brings it up so we are eye to eye. " Because you're mine, love." We sink into a kiss. I press my lips to his. I LOVE James's kisses. Every time, it surprises me how good he is at it. The Great Hall doors open and we are exposed and spring apart, although still close. 

I look out onto the dumbfound faces, pure joy on Sirius, Marlene, Alice, Remus and Mary's faces. Then I see the malice on Snapes and feel triumphant. "FINALLY! MOONY, YOU OWE ME TEN GALLEONS!" Sirius whoops and the whole hall starts cheering and exchanging bets as we blush. James laughs as Sirius claps him on the back and said "Nice Prongs, you've landed yourself a decent looking bird." 

"Excuse me" I say, flying over and jumping onto James's lap. " I'm not anyone's bird." Quoting with my fingers. I looked Sirius in the eye, and punched him straight in the face. " OI! That bloody hurt! Prongs tell your girlfriend to apologize!" he shrieked like the drama queen he was as we walked to our free period destination- the tree.

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