After him being ID'ed, and passing with that very believable fake, we went to walking around and him buying me anything I wanted. The Winter formal would be coming up at school and there were dress shops all over here. However, I would only try on the gowns, not buy them. I needed the cage to pick it up. I wasn't going to rumple up and wrinkle the dress.

I had gotten just enough to put in the saddlebags and a backpack, which was more than enough. I honestly hated when he bought me stuff just because we both got the same amount of money from all the runs and then the job.

Back at the clubhouse, I had been bombed with silly string and confetti.

"Happy Birthday, Princess!" They all shouted at me.

"Thanks, everyone." I smiled, wiping off all the mess that was thrown on me. Bones came up to me, turned me around by the shoulders, and I heard and felt him rip off the prospect patch.

"Happy Patch day, as well." He handed me three patches. Chaotic Shadows, the insignia, North Texas. I smiled at my dad and hugged him. "Welcome to the table officially." The crowd around us cheered and glasses clinked. "Now, let's get this party started!"


It was a bit later in the night as I was sitting outside on the old little playground, just enjoying the cooling night air, and letting the buzz fade. I had sneaked out quietly, just wanting some time to myself. It was a full blown party now. Not only was it my birthday, but Crimson patched as well and it was his time now.

I was just listening to the music through my headphones, looking up at the stars. It was peaceful, just sitting out here alone. I knew it wasn't a good idea to stay out alone for long, but I wanted to stay out as long as I could. Unfortunately, with this life, I didn't get much freedom, especially being a patched female. Nobody rode alone, girls always had escorts, and there was no objecting to the rules.

I got off the wooden roof, stretching out my limbs, and went over to my bike. I just wanted to bring my helmet inside for the night, seeing as it would just go back on in the morning. It was an expensive helmet, and thieves around here were stupid. I wasn't going to risk it.

Lights suddenly flashed and I was ran down to the ground, hit by the small truck that had come flying through the gate.

All I heard was a mad rush of Spanish and knew it was the Los Locos.

I hit the pavement and my head was spinning. I didn't have enough time to scream before a butt of a pistol hit my head.


I hadn't seen Kelsea in more than a couple hours. It was nearing two in the morning and she was nowhere to be found. Her room was empty, bathroom empty, nowhere in the garage or office... Her bike was still outside.

I walked around the lot, going to her bike, seeing her helmet on the ground. Next to it, her headphones... A few feet from that..

A small puddle of blood.

But she was nowhere to be found.

I went to find Bones, who had been asking about her.

"Bones, she's nowhere to be found... I'm thinking the Los Locos might of attacked." I held up her helmet, which was now severely scratched, thanks to being dropped and had skid, and her headphones. "There's also blood on the ground outside." He looked as if his world was just taken from him.

"No... No, s-she couldn't have..." He went outside and I followed straight behind him. He saw the puddle of blood then fell to his knees. "FUCK!" He shouted, getting back up. "She couldn't have gotten far with them..." He went to the office, pulling out the iPad used for the garage, and pulled up a tracker. "Fuck!" He snapped again, slamming the iPad down. "It's moving. They haven't searched her yet. I looked at the percentage left. 12% left.

"Hopefully her phone will die and they won't realize we tracked her that entire way. It stops tracking after it's turned off or dies." I told him. "We need to call Sheriff Holdings, this needs to be dealt with by him. It's a kidnapping." I had to stay calm. I couldn't let rage overcome because if I didn't think clearly or rationally, someone, most-likely Kelsea, could be killed. I couldn't lose her.

"No, we go get her now-"

"Bones, we go in now, they'll kill her. CALL IN THE DAMN SHERIFF."



I had no idea where I was. All I knew was it was dark and musty. My head hurt and I felt dizzy.

I was laying on a hard mattress that was on the floor, next to the wall. I felt my pockets quickly, thankful they hadn't found my phone. I saw it was on 2% and shoved it between the mattress and the wall, hiding it, after making sure it was on silent. I also had my handy dandy pocket knife that could easily cut off a digit if I needed to. That got hidden next to my phone.

I felt sore in my stomach and it hurt to move. I remembered now that I was plowed by a truck and went flying into the concrete. The Los Locos had attacked me and took me and I didn't know where the hell I was.

I heard them speaking, but my head was too jumbled to make anything out. I felt tired and weak, feigning sleep. They entered the room, but I still couldn't make out anything. I stayed limp as I felt them undressing me down to my underwear while I was mentally crying and screaming out. There was no point in fighting at the moment. Not when it was maybe three or four on one... Especially in my weakened state. 

I finally made myself think.

Why is she still asleep?

Slap her, maybe it'll make her wake up.

So he did. I still feigned sleep.

How hard did she hit the ground? You probably put her in a coma.

I only hit her doing twenty. She should be awake. Until then, everyone take a shift. She'll wake eventually. All people have to piss or shit at some point in time. 

I was totally fucked...

Happy fucking birthday to me...

Chaotic Shadows and the 300 MC (Book One and Two) *ON HOLD/SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now