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"Mina," I've decided to tell her.

I'd have had to, at some point.

It was mandatory, whether or not she's in on it.

Maybe if I tell her now I'll be abandoned roughly never to be seen again even sooner than originally planned.


"Yes, Meg?" She asked, sewing me a red-ish ribbon.

I'm planning on tying it around my forehead, like Byun Baekhyun, my favourite actor.

He always had a cloth like that around his head in Scarlet Heart (referencesss).

It would look fantastic with my new, dyed, hair.

The boys weren't here when we came back from the mall, Mina said they might've gone out for dinner, but, we were just planning on how we'd show them my hair, so it bought us some time.


They're home!

"Oh, God, that's the boys," Mina said, standing from her seat.

"I'll answer the door, you hide, and do exactly as we planned, alright?"

I nodded.

When she walked out the room I distantly heard her talking to everyone, as they came in. Hoseok was screaming about a- snake? That's what it sounded like, anyways.

"Aigoo," I heard Mina say as she poked in our room.

She winked and left, which was my cue.

I started to hum, walking into the living room, where all the boys were sitting, talking about the trip to some Italian place which served snake soups- oh, that's why Hoseok was freaked out.

"Oh, hey guys," I said, flipping my hair to the front as I reached for the candy jar, on the top shelf.

"Hey Meg," Jin said, looking at me. He started talking again then suddenly stopped.

"Meg?!" He stood up right away walking towards me in a- motherly angered way?

"What is this?"

"That is her reward for tolerating you idiots for the rest of her life." Mina said, coming into the room with a tray of preferred drinks.

"Why, Mina, wae, wae, wae-" Jin started, but Mina made some puppy face and he fell back onto the sofa.

"This was a one-time thing, never again am I taking you even near a dying salon." Jin said, drinking his water with haste.

"I think it looks cool," Taehyung said.

"Badass," Jimin followed.

"Yup," Jungkook agreed, taking his fruit juice.

"She looks a bit like Irene," Rap Monster said, sipping his Diet Coke with a straw.

"She doesn't even look her age," Yoongi said, stretching his arms.

"Well," Mina sighed,

"Everyone's made their comment, what about you, Hoseok?" She asked, giving him a glass of water.

"She looks cute." He said.

"Thanks, guys, I know you think I look mental." I said, gathering sympathy.

"You don't, Meg-"

"Yes, she does! I mean, how are we supposed to get rid of her if- I mean, how are we supposed to get rid of her 'London girl' image, if her hair is dyed like some fashion goth? She's a Korean, and she needs to look like a little Korean girl if she's living with us." Jin said, all mad.

"Well, what's done is done." Mina said, unable to wipe the smile off her face.

I mouthed 'thank you' and she blew a flying kiss at me.

I giggled.

-not proofread-

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