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"Meg, wake up," I heard someone say.

"Huh?" I snorted, which I yawned straight after.

"We're going shopping, get ready." That feminine voice-

Oh, it's Mina.

"Mina,"I decided to spill what I heard yesterday, although it was early.

"I need to talk to you about my adoption-"

"Mina- we need you in the kitchen!" I could recognise Jin's voice.

"Oh, I'll be a minute, Meg," She said, smiling, then leaving the room.

Leaving me alone.

Ugh, whatever.

I got up, and grabbed my towel from my suitcase, to shower.

I was a huge hygiene freak, and poor sanitation totally drove me nuts.

This house was surprisingly clean, considering there were seven betraying idiots living here.

Getting my undergarments and my long pajama dress, I was about to go into the bathroom, which was thankfully located in front our bedroom.

There were three loos: one in front of our room, and two out in the corridor.

The reason I got this room is probably because I'm the only girl and, I need my hygienal privacy.

When I was leaving the room, I realised Hoseok was still sleeping on the bed beside mine.

He must've come in to sleep after me and Mina.

"Oi," He said, suddenly.

"Sorry?" I turned around, staring at him.


"Excuse me?"

"Come here!" He yelled, his eyes closed, as if he was upset to see me.

"Uhm, okay." I walked over to where he was, tempted to check his forehead for a fever or something.

"I'm cold," And he unconsciously grabbed my wrist, practically dragging me towards him.

He spread his arms around me, hugging horizontally.

I was pretty much on the bed next to him now.

"Dude, I need to shower," when I realised his eyes were closed tightly, and he kept flinching, is when I realised he wasn't talking to me-

He was talking to someone in his dream.

Because he was sleeping.

"Idiot," I muttered, and tried getting his grasp loose, so I could escape.

"Ugh, let go!"

"Who you calling an idiot?" And he hit my arm, causing me to fall off the bed.

"You are an idiot!" I yelled, and stormed out the room, on the verge of killing Jung Hoseok.

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