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"There you are, beauty," the nice woman called Minhee said.

She was really pretty, and she too had dyed her hair, probably by herself, a deep orange, blending with her dirty blonde hair.

I noticed, as we were leaving, that one of the advertising posters in the parlour, wore a significant colour of black; the centre of the sheet of heavy paper holding a semi-naked woman, her black hair almost invisible, as it flew through the darkness of what was probably her shooting studio, lights dimmed.

The lack of contrast reminded me of my lack of emotions back home. Just an artistic thought, someone at the orphanage over 14 would call it.

Jade, for example.

My hair is dyed though, oh my god!

My reaction, apparently; as Mina says, was unforgettable.

My eyes widened, and my mouth opened, my teeth shining white, because I'd brushed my teeth terribly hard because of my anger.

And, it looks great. My hair, I mean.

It's- pink.

Like- actually pink.

Just at the ends though.

I wish I could, send a picture to Marley or something.

I'll see her, someday, again.

And I can't wait.

"You look great, Meg." Mina kept saying over and over, when we were walking home with bags full of girly things, and while I kept trying to flip my hair flawlessly, although it kept getting caught on my for head because of the light breeze.

"Thanks, Mina,"

"Aww, no problem kiddo, just save me  if I'm ever needing help running from Hoseok," I laughed.

She's not that bad, after all.

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